Age of Sigmar Skirmish: A Peek Inside

Today we kickoff BoLS coverage of the upcoming Age of Sigmar Skirmish supplement. Grab some heroes and get in here.
This week, GW is offering up an entirely new way to play Age of Sigmar. You can now grab a handful of models, form a warband and get going.
Here’s the official GW writeup:
Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Skirmish $10
Within this 40-page softback book, you’ll find:
Skirmish Rules
– A set of simple modifications for the core rules of Warhammer Age of Sigmar that introduce skirmish battles – small-scale, intense fights between anything from a trio of models to a marauding band of fifteen models and upwards;
– Details of battling in skirmish formation – models fight as individuals, rather than groups, meaning each model is treated as a single unit. This alters the way certain effects and abilities work in a subtle way, and emphasises fast, aggressive, tactical gameplay;
– The General: each player chooses a general from the Heroes in their warband, who can use a command ability, artefact of power, and three new wizard spells from the tables supplied in the Skirmish rules;
– Battleshock: again, tweaked from the core Warhammer Age of Sigmar rules to encourage fast, brutal gaming, Battleshock can turn the tide of war in a single dice roll – you better hope your general is stoic in the face of slaughter!
– All-new command abilities, artefacts of power and mysterious terrain rules;
– Clarification regarding summoning and generation of extra attacks and hit rolls in Skirmish games.
The Shadespire Campaign
Included in the book is a linear narrative campaign, pitting two – or with some judicious tweaking, more – players against each other in a series of brutal skirmishes as your warbands fight bitterly over the incredible treasures of Shadespire. This campaign comprises six Battleplans representing a story from the murky dawn of your warbands’ first day on the outskirts of Shadespire, through to the climactic battle that decides the outcome of the whole campaign.
Between games, your warbands can earn and spend renown – the more renown earned, the more glory-seekers will join your general on his quest for treasure – and discover Rewards of Battle: charms, glyphs and relics that enhance the abilities of your warband in new and interesting ways.
Skirmish Matched Play
The true test of a general’s mettle is the meeting of equally-matched warbands, where tactics and strategy outweigh sheer numbers when deciding how the battle ends. This book contains a guide to putting together your own Matched Play Skirmish battles, with included points values allowing you to assemble matched warbands from models representing each of the four Grand Alliances. Any Battleplan from the General’s Handbook can be used in a Skirmish Matched Play game.
Here’s a quick pee at what else in within the covers to give you a taste:
Table of Contents
Right off the bat, note you get a grand total of 13 pages of Skirmish rules. That TRIPLE the size of the core AoS rules… just saying.
Here’s the Warband roster.
So in a nutshell what are we looking at here?
First of all, you get the first real look at exactly what Shadespire is and why it is becoming a key location in the Age of Sigmar mythos. Hint: it’s a city who tried to cheat death – until Nagash found out and said ENOUGH OF THAT!
You get simple rules for creating and fighting with warbands (a handful of models) within the haunted depths of Shadespire.
There are campaign rules that handle advancement, glory, death and awesome loot for the warbands.
You get a full point listing for the skirmish appropriate models in AoS. These points use a different scale than the normal game.
6 custom Skirmish missions are included.
Games are designed to play in under an hour.
~More Age of Sigmar Skirmish all week!