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Geekery: Two New Spider-Man Trailers

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May 24 2017
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Michael Keaton steals the show in one, and teenage comedy shines in the other. Take a look!

Marvel and Sony dropped 2 new trailers at 2am this morning that provide all kinds of new information. First up: an action and Keaton filled international trailer from Sony…

And a new US trailer from Marvel Studios with a bit more levity and Peter being an everyday teenager…

This is one of of those cases when I’m glad we got a fresh look. The last trailer was pretty much doom and gloom, which isn’t what I think of when Spider-Man is mentioned. The new US trailer really shows Peter’s personality off – we’re finally getting a wise cracking, teenage Spider-Man that’s super excited about what’s going on around him. I am all for this take on the character.


I’m still looking forward to this. Maybe third reboot will be the charm?


Spider Man: Homecoming hits theaters July 7th

Author: Mars Garrett
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