Privateer: War Room 2 has Been Updated

New Warmachine stat cards and more will be at your fingertips!
The official War Room 2 has been updated…
We've released the latest War Room update, complete with the Exemplar Interdiction theme force featured in NQ #72
— Privateer Press (@privateerpress) May 24, 2017
Never used War Room? It puts the entire stat card library at your fingertips, which can make your games faster and easier. Players that use the app also get up to date news and rules updates right to their phones and/tablets.
War Room 2 Features
- Full Card Display: Model stat cards are shown exactly as they are printed, so players can reference them easily and with the same confidence as printed cards.
- Army Creation Workshop: Players can select their faction and game size and type and then choose their warcasters or warlocks, warjacks or warbeasts, units, solos, and battle engines to create army lists—all within the War Room application.
- Go to War Mode: Play games with your device thanks to War Room’s host of in-game features, including damage tracking and army list card viewing. Game modes include Solo, Hot Seat, and Linked Play for online multiplayer match tracking.
- Complete Rules PDF and Rules Reference: Access the full PDF rules for WARMACHINE and HORDES directly from your device, along with a searchable rules reference.
- In-Game List Sharing: Lists will be sharable between every player using War Room in the same game so they can quickly access each other’s model status and abilities, allowing players to keep their focus on the tabletop action.
Download it from the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store today!
Editor’s Note: Post has been updated for clarity.