SLA Industries: Meet Halloween Jack

Who is this Pumpkin-Faced Killer? Come check out Halloween Jack!
To many Fans, SLA is as much about the artwork and imagery as it is the deeply disturbing Highly Commercial Si Fi Horor setting. Among a game with such a massive array of iconic imagery, 1 Character stands head and shoulders above the rest: Halloween Jack.
One of the most enigmatic Characters in the World of Progress – there are actually very few Images of Jack spread throughout the SLA Publications, and even less is written about him. It would appear, so far as Jack is concerned – that less is more!
So, who is he? What is known about him?
- Very little… on both counts. He is a Serial Killer whom selects his victims according to a pattern known only to himself.
- He is also Immortal – appearing to be unkillable and unstoppable, a vengeful Angel of Death..
- Exceptionally arrogant, the Halloween Jack Denizen Miniature captures this trait perfectly – as he lounges on his Chain Axe you can imagine him encouraging his foe to take a shot.. or have first swing.. it will be their last.
And that’s it… all other information about Jack is conjecture, supposition and.. in some cases, simply made up! One things for sure though, Jack is here to stay and is as much a part of the rich Tapestry of SLA Industries as Mr Slayer himself.
Jack has proven so popular that he has not only the awesome Miniature you can see above, but also had a 2nd Ltd Edition Miniature last year – Book-Jack as well as a gorgeous 65mm Bust capturing his Pumpkin Head mask in all of its gory glory.
Denizen Jack
CS1 is a 2 tiered Skirmish game. Tier 1 are tight scenarios, clear win / lose conditions, etc that are ideal for Tournament or Organised Play – you know whom is winning and how they are doing so. Tier 2 – is a bit different, the Tier 2 scenarios are loosely classed as “Denizen Games”. Within the scenario setup there are a number of conditions – i.e. when you approach an enemy Objective, and when those are met they trigger a Draw from the Denizen deck. Although we will be making full denizen decks – it will be up to the individual player to populate their own draw deck. They can stick in any Denizen cards that they own, and run the risk of drawing any Denizen from a lowly Sector Rat all the way up to Digger himself. Halloween Jack is one such denizen!
2016’s Ltd Edition Book Jack – to commemorate the Reprint of the RPG
The Denizens rule also allows us to create additional Special Event Art Cards and Characters in coming months / years that will appeal to the Roleplayer, Wargamer and Collector in each of us. Taking part in an OP kit will net you a Denizen that you know you can use, regardless of your own faction. You load your own Denizen Deck – if it comes up Jack.. you have only yourself to blame!
Please let us be up front about certain facts regarding the Denizen deck – some of the Denizens are broken.. totally.. utterly.. if Jack appears you have little actual chance of defeating him but can certain get out of his way or slow him down. And if you are bold / insane enough to actually try going toe to toe with him – the audience at home will love you for it, your Ratings will soar and your glorious death will appear on Primetime TV for minutes or even hours to come! Such is life in the World of Progress.
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Many of the lower level Denizens offer you the opportunity of a few Victory Points, or a chance to grab some much needed Ratings as the News Channels love the exotic. Your foe may have the challenge of deciding whether to allow you to grab those points or do something about it! After all, if all eyes are on Jack and your favourite Frother is wailing on him with a Claymore.. we all know whom the Ratings points are going to! Your opponent may want to get in on that action!
Want to show your SLA pride with some Jack Gear? Check it out!
Check Out the Full Cannibal Sector One Line