Warhammer Fest: White Dwarf 40th Birthday

Warhammer Fest is wrapping up, but here’s a look at the upcoming White Dwarf!
White Dwarf had its 40th Anniversary, and Warhammer Fest has no shortage of previews from the latest edition. As you might expect, Newhammer is a pretty big focus of the issue–articles appearing there include a look at Mk. X armor, modeling and painting tips for the Lord of Contagion, the hordes of Khorne, and a couple of battle reports that show off how the new rules will function on the tabletop.
First up, here’s a look at the swanky new armor that the marines will be bringing to the battlefield.
The new Cawl-forged weapons look pretty cool, I have to say. The Plasma Incinerator and the Auto Bolt Rifle are all innovations of the Archmagos. For all that I’m excited about new weapons getting used though, I’m hoping that we’ll have at least one Regimental Standard that talks about how the older weapons are safer because they work when you do the right rituals and these newfangled ones just…function the way they’re intended to. The first time, even.
Anyway. Here’s some tips for painting Nurgle’s finest.
Chaos gets a lot of love in this issue, actually. With Khorne’s hordes AND the Thousand Sons getting some spotlight time. Take a look:
And of course, no focus on the new game would be complete without a battle report that shows off the new rules.
Note the devastation wrought by a Land Speeder with a Heavy Flamer and Heavy Bolter on Overwatch. Flamers man, brutal.
All this and more is around the corner. Time to get hyped for Newhammer. One last thing, there’s a painting showcase of Fast Attack Forces that I’d feel remiss if I didn’t include. So here it is, from the Four Warlords to you.
So much to chew through here. What do you think of the new rules? The new look of the armies?