40K: Chapter Approved & New Campaign Confirmed

Games Workshop officially announces the Summer Campaign & a new Chapter Approved!
Earlier today we saw that their were some new details on the Fate of Konor Campaign. Well now it’s official! Games Workshop has confirmed the campaign starts in July:
“The Fate of Konor is a massive worldwide campaign that will decide the fate of one of the primary planets in the 500 Worlds of Ultramar. You’ll be able to battle at home or in stores across a variety of planets and war zones in the system, and your games will decide the eventual fate of one of the strategically important worlds in the segmentum and the Imperium.
The campaign kicks off in July – so you’ll have plenty of time to get your head round the new Warhammer 40,000 rules and paint up some new units for your army.”
There is still plenty of time to get your forces up and running to participate in the Campaign. With a July Kick-off, that means you’ve got just over a month to build, paint and play some test games! Be sure to try out some of your old units too, you might be surprised at how they perform…
But that wasn’t all that GW was talking about for future plans. We’re going to get a new Chapter Approved as well.
“We’ve said right from the start that the new edition of Warhammer 40,000 is one that we’d work to make even better over time. This is one of the ways that will happen. Each year, you’ll have a new Chapter Approved, expanding your gaming options and making what we think is already the best Warhammer 40,000 ever, even better.
Expect the first Chapter Approved book in time for Christmas.”
That’s right folks – GW is committed to making 8th edition 40k the best version ever and now they are showing off exactly how: A New Chapter Approved. My guess is this will be similar to the General’s Handbook for AoS. This book will probably have any rules tweaks, points updates, and additional info (maybe even units) that weren’t included at release. I’m expecting this will have some Q&A/FAQ sections as well which means they are probably going to be listening for community feedback post-launch. Exciting Times!
Are you going to join the Summer Campaign for 40k? What do you think about the Chapter Approved 2017 announcement?