40K: Gearing Up For Global Domination

Warhammer 40k 8th looms and with it comes a new summer campaign – how will you tip the scales?
A couple of days ago Games Workshop confirmed that a new summer campaign was on the way. After last year’s AoS Campaign, a lot of folks were hoping that this summer would focus on 40k and they were rewarded with the upcoming “Fate of Konor” campaign. You can read about the official announcement HERE.
There are a couple of factors that I think make this campaign extra exciting. First, and most obvious is that 8th Edition will be out and in full swing. GW is basically giving folks about a month of 8th before the campaign kicks off and because we know about it now we can all start prepping our armies. We’ve already seen what was basically info from the retailer announcement as well:
Info via B&C’s Damo1701
Through July, August and September all of our customers will fight to decide the fate of the Konor System to see if it falls into the hands of Chaos. All armies can get involved and the final results will be written into Warhammer 40,000 lore! Customers will fight for six planets over six weeks. Each planet will have a specific story, mission, weekly special rules and gaming theme, and will be affected by the results of the previous planet(s). Customers will be able to post results by logging ‘games won’ or newly painted datasheets in your store.
There are 3 stages to the campaign:
Promotion – between 17th June and the 1st July.
Army Muster – between 1st July and 27th July
AdvertisementCampaign – between 27th July and the 10th September
For a lot of folks this “build-up” will be the perfect time to dust off armies, get a few games in of 8th, and then get set to dive into the Campaign. That’s what I’m planning on doing and I know I’m not alone. There are lots of reasons to try out new things in this edition as just about everything is now at least a decent choice. Old units that were terrible are suddenly viable. Old “auto-includes” might not be the best any more – it’s exciting!
“Will I get to play as myself this time?” …Maybe.
The second big reason the summer campaign is exciting is that the “history” of the game feels new and in flux right now. We’ve gotten a crack at the lore and we can tell you GW is not resetting the clock again. Warhammer 40k is moving past the limits of the old background – we’re pushing past the year 40,000* folks! The Fate of Konor is basically picking up right after the events of Gathering Storm.
“The worshippers of Chaos seek to smash a path through the Imperial battle line to Macragge, home world of the Ultramarines. Should they succeed, the greatest Imperial stronghold in the sector will be gravely threatened, and Guilliman’s forces will be cut off and surrounded.”
This is a chance to actually make an impact on the Grim-Dark Universe. It’s not going to be like Eye of Terror Campaign from 1999 – it sounds like GW is going to let fans make their mark on the universe for real this time:
We learnt a lot from our Season of War Online Campaign… The interactive website for The Fate of Konor is going to be amazing and will let your customers know the impact of their battles in your store and how the campaign is going globally. It will include downloads, countdowns, videos and much, much more…
Referring back to the AoS Summer Campaign, those events are now Canon. Order established three footholds and they are still there in the lore. Now, we did a recap/postmortem on the campaign. It wasn’t perfect but it was a big step in the right direction. Now it really does sound like GW took some of that to heart is making this 40k campaign bigger and better.
The final reason I’m excited about this campaign is that while it is focused on “Imperial vs Chaos” the Xenos factions are going to have a huge impact – and so are hobbyists:
“Customers can post results in your store by playing and winning games or by painting a new datasheet’s worth of troops. They can post a win for Chaos, a win for the Imperium or in the case of all other forces remove a win from either the Imperium or Chaos!”
Yeah – that’s right, painting a new unit will score your side points! On top of that, if you’re playing or painting for Xenos, then you can remove a win from either side. I like this idea, at least mechanically. It really sets-up the Xenos as a 3rd faction without giving them a true side to fight on. They are mercs that will work for and against both sides. Suddenly Imperial forces are rooting for Tyranids to stick it to Chaos. Or Chaos is rooting for the Aeldari to raid an Imperial outpost. It’s thematic, chaotic, and sounds like a blast for all players.
I’m ready for a good ol’ fashioned Global Campaign to kick-off for 40k. I’m gearing up to make an impact and think that GW is on to something this time – Let’s see if they can make it work!
The Fate of Konor is in your hands!