40K: Imperial Armour Datasheets Revealed – Chaos Titan and Relic Sicaran
Check out the Chaos Warhound Scout Titan and the Relic Sicaran Battle Tank’s new rules.
More Imperial Armour news for you guys. We’ve got a sneak peek at some of the incoming models now that the Forge World Indexes are out. And let me just say, holy cow, you think you know what a large model is going to be like–but wow. The Warhound Titan isĀ bonkers and that’s the smallest of the titans. In eighth edition it’s basically the little titan that could. And before we get into it, I have to say that it feels like a titan should.
It’s incredibly resilient, it has an ungodly amount of firepower, and in melee, it makes three hit rolls for each single attack it has (for a total of 12 to hit rolls in each combat), and its void shields keep it safe from mortal wounds. Now whether or not that “three hit rolls per attack” means it has three chances to hit, or makes three attacks with every attack, I’m not sure (though I’d suspect the former is the case). Similarly it also has weapons that fire with the profile “Macro Xd6” which is probably another rule detailed in the Indexes.
And now let’s take a look at the Relic Sicaran.
This may be one of the most heavily armed single models out there. Capable of mounting twin accelerator autocannon, two Lazcannon or two Heavy Bolters, a Hunter-Killer Missile, and a Storm Bolter, this can spit out 11-20 shots with a single volley depending on how you equip it. And with 14 wounds and a 14″ movement speed, it’s sure to be able to turn up at exactly the wrong place for your enemy’s plans.
It’s a beating and a half in a heavily armored package. At 14 power rating it’s a little expensive–but man does that mean you can get a lot of bang for your buck. That twin autocannon makes it great for mowing down heavy infantry and it’ll wound most vehicles on 4’s, making it a handy, multi-role assault vehicle.
You can see even more data sheets if you grab the digital Imperial Armoury, available to download now.
What do you think of the new titan?