40K: Ynnari: Death & Hope

Games Workshop takes a look at the Ynnari. There is Hope in the power of Death…
The Ynnari are the splinter faction of Aeldari who believe that to save their race the must harness the power of Death. When they showed up they made quite the impressions with their Special Rule “Power From Death” and in this edition it’s been re-adjusted for the new rules:
via Warhammer Community
This new version does “refine” the units that can take advantage of Strength From Death (no more Double Wraithknight actions – whew!) but it’s still very potent in the right hands.
Another great thing about the Ynnari is that they still allow you to take forces from the various Aeldari sub-factions by replacing and using the Ynnari keyword. By doing this, you can mix-and-match units from Craftworlds, Harlequins, and Drukhari to form powerful, Voltron-like armies. You’ll have access to some of the best transports in the game and can really make them shine.
Warhammer 40,000 8th is going to be a game all about positioning your units to get the desired effect. With Strength From Death and the right psychic power, you’ll be able to get your units exactly where you need them. I’ll let Reece explain:
“One of my favourite combos is to use the Word of the Phoenix psychic power on a unit that has already moved to let it Soulburst and move again to get in position to either shoot or charge. With the speed of most Aeldari units, this gives a massive threat bubble. If you position a supporting unit well, if the first unit destroys their target, the support unit can then soulburst, too. This cascading effect can create utterly lethal combinations.”
Read the full Faction Focus HERE
The Ynnari are still a force to be reckoned with in 8th. And they may be the best hope the Aeldari have of saving their race!
What do you think of the Ynnari and how do you think they will stack-up in 8th?