Privateer: Gyrmkin Gets a Morbid Battle Engine
Something wicked this way comes – oh wait it’s a Grymkin Battle Engine and some creepy footsoldiers.
Death Knell – $84.99
Creaking corpse carts called death knells follow behind the cursed hordes of the grymkin. The impish coachman rings its somber bell as a warning to all who would dare disrespect the dead, and its toll can be felt as a chill down to the marrow.
The bodies stacked high on the cart contain power of an old and dark sort. These corpses fuel the nightmares and horrors of the grymkin while bolstering their ability to shrug off wounds that would fell mortal folk.
Hollowmen and Lantern Man – $49.99
Deserters often follow the alluring glow of a strange lantern as they stumble through the darkāand perish. They rise again as empty husks, stripped of hate and fear. Now they bear rifles and march beneath that lantern in the ranks of the Hollowmen.
~Which is your favorite? I think Privateer did a great job on the Hollowmen – super characterful.