TWG: Painting Death Guard and Primaris Ultramarines

Today I share tutorials on how to paint two Warhammer 40k Characters: An Ultramarines Captain and the Death Guard Lord of Contagion
In this weeks tutorials I show you how to paint the two named characters from the Dark Imperium boxed set.
Lords of Contagions are powerful Chaos Lords of the Death Guard. These warriors are twisted by the powers of Nurgle and wield Plaguereapers. Primaris Space Marines have been genetically altered by Archmagos Dominus Belisarius Cawl to be bigger, faster and stronger than their Space Marine brethren. Together these are both powerful warriors that take to the battlefield and leave devastation in their wake.
Whilst both of these tutorials focus on a specific character, the techniques employed in them can easily be applied to other miniatures in their respective factions; the Ultramarines in the Captain’s case, and the Death Guard for the Lord of Contagion’s tutorial.
Warhammer Tutorial: How To Paint A 40k Ultramarine Primaris Captain
Here’s a listing of the paints used in this tutorial:
Macragge Blue
Drakenhof Nightshade
Calgar Blue
Fenrisian Grey
Abaddon Black
Eshin Grey
Khorne Red
Evil Sunz Scarlet
Carroburg Crimson
Fire Dragon Bright
Rakarth Flesh
Seraphim Sepia
Ushabti Bone
Nuln Oil
Retributor Armour
Reikland Fleshshade
Stormhost Silver
Celestra Grey
White Scar
Guilliman Blue
Baharroth Blue
White Scar
Warhammer Tutorial: How To Paint A 40k Death Guard Lord of Contagion
Here’s a listing of the paints used in this tutorial:
Death Guard Green
Athonian Camoshade
Ogryn Camo
Krieg Khaki
Abaddon Black
Thunderhawk Blue
Fenrisian Grey
Screamer Pink
Nuln Oil
Tuskgor Fur
Screamer Pink
Kislev Flesh
Xereus Purple
Genestealer Purple
Druchii Violet
Slaanesh Grey
Celestra Grey
Reikland Fleshshade
Coelia Greenshade
Drakenhof Nightshade
White Scar
Dryad Bark
Gorthor Brown
Karak Stone
Balthasar Gold
Nuln Oil
Agrax Earhshade
Skullcrusher Brass
Stormhost Silver
Skrag Brown
Ahriman Blue
Thanks for watching.