X-Wing: Scurrg Bomber Preview

Did someone say “Infinite” Bombs? Yes. And it’s all thanks to the Scurrg H-6 Bomber!
That’s right folks, Fantasy Flight Games is back with another preview and they are showing off the new Scurrg H-6 Bomber – a ship that can have infinite bombs!
via FFG
You read correctly; the Scurrg H-6 Bomber Expansion Pack is bringing infinite bombs to your favorite starfighter dogfights. Of course, it’s bringing a lot of other things, as well. You’ll find two non-unique pilots and two aces, including two different versions of Captain Nym—one Rebel and one Scum. You’ll find ten upgrades. And you’ll find that the Scurrg H-6 is, itself, a bomber with a uniquely flexible maneuver dial .
Normally, we’d dive into the piliots, but I feel like skipping to the whole infinite bomb thing first:
That’s right – any ship that has two bomb slots can now drop bombs for the entire game and they do it for FREE! It doesn’t cost an action or anything. The effect triggers when you reveal their maneuver dial which is pretty cool.
Now that we have that out of the way lets take a look at the pilots!
The Pilots
The basic generic pilot. 5 hull, 5 shields and a 3 dice primary – couple that with all those upgrade and look-out! Scum has yet another big ship ready to kick some butt!
Sol Sixxa is a natural fit for a ship with this many bomb options. Along with a full upgrade bar, you can toss bombs out at different angle. That can be a very effective way of throwing your opponents off balance – or you can use it to tag ships that may have already moved! Very handy…
Captain Nym is the Rockstar here. Ignoring friendly bombs and he can net you some extra evade results? Load him up with things like Conner Nets and Cluster Mines and watch your opponent squirm. Don’t forget the text just says “if the attacker measures range through a friendly bomb token…” that means other bombs in your list can also make an impact. If only there was a way to toss out bombs before the match (there is – more on that below).
Captain Nym is also a Rebel pilot option. His ability sounds a bit more tame, but really, it’s also super effective. Once per round, he can prevent any of your own bombs from detonating. That is super handy for those moments you might have misjudged the distance. Or perhaps one of your bombers got bumped – no worries, now you can save them from taking the damage they would have. This can also help setup minefields for your opponent to try and dodge. What’s better than hitting your opponent with a bomb? Hitting them with two bombs!
The Upgrades
The Minefield Mapper is a weird one – but very useful! You can place your bombs during setup. That’s a fantastic way to get those bombs on the table and mess with your opponents. It makes a perfect way to block off sections of the board and forces your opponents to approach you in a more predictable manner. In a game where movement is king, forcing your opponent to be predictable can turn the day in your favor.
Cad Bane is a good option for Scum ships that want to toss some extra bombs. If you had Cad in a Scrugg that would also be 3 bomb slots, two of which could be the Bomblet Generator and a third option (like a Conner Net or cluster Mines). Cad Bane also makes your bombs more deadly, which in a bomb heavy list, could be very useful.
Finally, we get a look at the title card. Havoc basically trades in your crew slot for a system upgrade and a salvaged astromech – as long as that salvaged astromech is non-unique. I don’t think that’s a bad trade at all. Unless you want to run Cad Bane…Maybe crew him in a second ship?
You can read more about the Scrugg H-6 Bomber in the full FFG article HERE. Personally, I’ve never been a fan of bombs but I’m willing to give them a shot with the Scurrg H-6. It looks like a tough ship with some interesting options. Plus any ship that can Barrel Roll, has a turret and a crazy looking dial…well, slap Engine Upgrade on it and PLT and I’m game to give it a test flight!
What do you think of the Scrugg H-6 bomber? How about those Infinite Bombs?!