40K Deep Thought: The Other Chapter Tactics

We’ve seen the Ultramarines rules, what does that mean for the other major chapters?
Codex Space Marines is just around the corner and we’ve seen what the Ultramarines are bringing.
Here’s the Ultramarines chapter tactics:
Codex discipline offers both good rules and fits with the fluff – I approve! Which leads to the bigger questions:
Who Else Gets Chapter Tactics?
What Should the Be?
Who Is Worthy?
Clearly every 1st Founding chapter should have rules, and any chapter who ever had a codex or minis can be grandfathered in.
- Iron Hands
- White Scars
- Imperial Fists
- Raven Guard
- Salamanders
- Dark Angels*
- Blood Angels*
- Space Wolves*
- Black Templars
- Crimson Fists
*These guys will get their own codex, so we will ignore them from this point forward.
What Should They Get?
Right off the bat, we’ve seen many of these guys already get special rules in past books. So I think we have the general guidelines.
- Iron Hands – Something dealing with durability, or firepower.
- White Scars – A movement or assault benefit, a hit & run equivalent for 8th.
- Imperial Fists – Bolter Drill shooting bonuses, or something involving fortifications.
- Raven Guard – Stealth and covert ops. Cover or deployment bonuses. Maybe snipers.
- Salamanders – Flamer benefits, or master crafted weapons.
- Black Templars – Anti psyker buffs or charge/fight-phase bonuses.
- Crimson Fists – I got nothing – something anti-Ork?
Wishful Thinking
There are some intriguing chapters that have either been the subject of Black Library novels, or are just cool, that I hope get rules one day.
- Carcharodons (Space Sharks) Just read – they are cool.
- Iron Snakes – Dan Abnett did these guys right.
- Exorcists – There something not right about this chapter and the Inquisition is involved. This is their chapter cry: “a slow, chilling chant in a number of dark languages, mixed with Litanies in High Gothic” Totally Loyal!
- Scythes of the Emperor – Almost wiped out by the Tyranids and fully restored by Primaris reinforcements. I bet they are looking for payback.
~ What do you think the new chapters rules will look like and what chapters really deserve rules in the first place?