40K: New Nurgle Greater Daemon Hiding In Plain Sight
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Is the a new Greater Daemon of Nurgle coming to Warhammer 40k or is Games Workshop just teasing us with more clever photography?
The Fate of Konor Campaign kicked off this week and games have been firing off around the clock ever since. The website has a pretty cool interactive map – if you get a chance, check out the high res version. But aside from that each week GW has a custom mission you can play to help guide the hand of fate. The first week’s mission was called “Invasion!” and covers the story of Astaramis. But that’s not what I want to focus on. What I wanted to take a look at was the image they used as the background for the mission. A reader sent in a tip noting that something odd was hiding in the image.
Do you see it? It’s hiding right there in the picture above. What is that massive beast in the background of the picture?
See it now? The models in the foreground are some pretty impressive conversions, but those are all bits we’ve seen before. But that massive beast behind everyone – what IS that!?
It’s the Glottkin of course.
But wait a sec. The Glottkin is an AoS miniature. What’s it doing in the background of a 40k pic? He doesn’t have rules in The Chaos Index – so what gives?
Games Workshop has been pretty good about not showing off models that don’t cross over from system to system. Yes, we know that Nurgle Daemons are available in both 40k and AoS – but the Glottkin is a special character and hasn’t been seen in 40k pics before. Maybe it was just used as a sweet conversion for a Great Unclean One…
There were rumors many moons ago that Nurgle was getting a new plastic Greater Daemon – that’s a rumor that just keeps making it’s Disgustingly Resilient save. There was also a rumor that the model that became the Glottkin was going to be the GUO but got re-jiggered to be the Glottkin for the Endtimes instead.
Now, the Glottkin is a pretty cool kit by itself and I would love to see it on the table more – and if it plops on the 40k side of things, even better! So is GW tossing Nurgle players a BIG clue, is this just a cool conversion someone in the studio did, or was this just a clever photography teaser?
I’m not sure what it means – but I do know that GW rarely messes-up their photography. Everything is very intentional when they post photos. I’m hoping that there is more to it than “it’s just a cool conversion army” and more along the lines of “the Glottkin is Daemon of Nurgle and is coming to 40k!”
What do you think? Will the Glottkin come to 40k or will we have to wait for a new GUO?