40K: Primaris Preview 2 – Apothecary Boogaloo

Here’s a 2nd Wave of new Primaris Releases–which, like the 2nd Wave Ska, are primarily black and white, and coming soon to Coventry.
Ah, just when you thought you’d heard the last of Ska, it’s back. Clearly we’re meant to think of this release as The Specials for Primaris Marines. Which makes a ton of sense if you think about it. They’ve had some time to refine their sound, and now they’re experimenting. All this means that when they get aorund to the 3rd Wave of Primaris releases, we can expect the Primaris to enjoy some mighty mighty bosstones, and be heavily influenced by the Americans.
via Warhammer Community
The Primaris Chaplain is the latest imposing iteration of a classic Space Marine hero. His Mk X power armour has been decorated with the symbols of his office, including a grim-looking skull mask and a spiky iron halo. In one hand, he carries his signature crozius arcanum, while the other wields a high-calibre absolver bolt pistol – this is no mere sidearm, but a pretty nasty weapon in its own right. The Primaris Chaplain is naturally a brutal melee combatant and can drive Space Marines into a killing frenzy; we think he makes a nice companion, visually and tactically, to the Primaris Reivers.
Let’s talk about Charles here. So, with a high power bolt pistol and a melee combatant (especially called out as being a good complement to the Reivers), you have to wonder how he’ll keep them company. Right? Now maybe he can set up in the teleportarium chamber–or maybe if you want to have your Reivers hit better, faster, stronger, you’ll need to have everyone pile into the ol’ Repulsor and take it for a spin. Er. Float. Either way–this guy is terrifying, because whereas the reivers just have skull masks, he appears to have gone full skeleton with the exposed ribcage looking chest piece and everything. So fighting Charles is a good reminder that THERE IS A SKELETON INSIDE YOU RIGHT NOW. Who needs Terror Troops when you have that knowledge? One day–that skeleton is gonna eat you. And he knows. He knows.
The Primaris Apothecary is a key support character for the Space Marines, and you’ll want one in your army to make the most out of your other units. The Primaris Apothecary can heal your multi-wound models, and even bring casualties back to the fight – this is great for your more elite infantry. The Apothecary model is packed with detail: vials containing the gene-seed of his brethren, advanced medical equipment and a reductor pistol. The reductor is designed to punch through Space Marine armour quickly and cleanly; in a pinch it can do much the same to the skull of a rampaging Ork Warlord and is a pretty nifty offensive weapon. (FYI – if you were wondering who the dead Space Marine was from the June 14th Rumour Engine, he’s from this model’s base.)
The Apothecary, on the other hand, looks much more like a future doctor. I love the detail on his left gauntlet. That’s a biomonitor or something right on the model. He looks much more soothing, even if he is carrying a necklace full of genetic material (which, hey here at BoLS we don’t judge. If you wanna wear a genetic material necklace, that’s your business). Definitely one of the coolest looking models I’ve seen in a while–he is a hobbyist’s delight. Those bits are begging to be repurposed and used in all kinds of custom creations. I am a big fan of this model–and from what little they’ve told us about the rules–he’ll be good to keep your soldiers on the table even more. All Primaris are multi-wound models, so if he can keep a wounded Primaris in fighting form–say by sitting him down to keep company with some Hellblasters, or whatever, you can give your opponent some hard choices. Kill the guys who are killing them back–or kill the guy who keeps making sure they stay on the table.
The Repulsor is a brutal battle tank, an armoured firebase as much as a transport. To call this a skimmer would do it a disservice; the Repulsor grinds forward on a thrumming wave of force supporting a hull nearly as durable as the Land Raider. Offensively, the Repulsor can be equipped with a dizzying array of weaponry: gatling cannons, las-weapons, bolters, grenade launchers and rocket pods, while defensively, auto launchers confuse incoming fire while the repulsor field makes the tank harder to charge. This would be a threatening vehicle if it was just a battle tank, but it’s also capable of carrying a deadly cargo of 10 Primaris Space Marines into battle. Aggressors and other close-support units will particularly benefit from new deployment options like the Repulsor.
Finally we have the Primaris’ malibu dream convertible–the Repulsor. This vehicle packs a punch–there is a metric ton (so 2.2 tons for all you stateside BoLS fans), of weaponry on it. And this weapons platform/transport is capable of just devastating everything around it. Even lorewise it is a beast, flattening the ground and tearing up chunks of it in its wake. After all, this is a grav-field designed by the Imperium, so it’s less that it elegantly defies the laws of physics, and more that it simply beats them into submission.
These Primaris will be available for pre-order July 29th, 2017.