BoLS STREAMING NOW: 40k “Da Blue Tide”, Boardgames

Come play with the BoLS team! – this week a DeathSkullz Waaagh smashes Ultramar, plus Steve Jackson Games pays a visit to our boardgames crew!
Da Blue WAAAGH !
Da Blue Tide – Part 1: Ultramar SMASH! (watch the game)
All this week we will be featuring battles between the forces of Warboss Mottz and his Death Skulls WAAGH as it hits the worlds of Ultramar. Today the greenskins make planetfall on Tarvan. The Ultramarines have been dispatched but it falls to Colonel Festus of the Astra Militarum to hold the line until the Astartes can arrive. Orks roks rain down on the planet’s polar regions and only Festus can save the planet’s primary heat exchangers from being looted into who knows what by the xenos scum.
Da Blue Tide – Part 2: One Shot – One Kill! (watch LIVE NOW)
All this week we will be featuring battles between the forces of Warboss Mottz and his Death Skulls WAAGH as it hits the worlds of Ultramar. Today the greenskins have massed around looted polar Imperial refineries and their WAAAGH begins to grow. As the Ultramarines arrive on scene to discover Stompas under construction – they find aid from an unlikely quarter.
Boardgame Bonanza – SJG’s Port Royal
After the 40K game, join us for our boardgames show “Boardgame Bonanza”. This week Steve Jackson Games pays a visit to demo the upcoming Port Royal.
BoLS Twitch Schedule
Come join us 7 days a week for all the games we can jam in. Here’s the schedule:
Everything’s fully painted and we have an insane amount of giant armies… for tons of your favorite games just waiting for you to enjoy. We’ll be playing competitive games, casual games, crazy narrative games and everything in between. Then look forward to regular talk shows covering everything from lore to tactics to tabletop, RPGs and more.
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