GMM: Stormcast Eternal Insane Project Assembly

Hello BoLS readers! I am in the middle of working on a really large Stormcast Eternals army you need to see to believe.
The project should wrap up relatively soon, so thought I’d pop in and start posting some of the sights. The army is most everything from the book, from four Stardrakes, 24 bird cav, down to full options of most of the infantry. Pretty daunting sight but a pile of glue packs and my wits about me I set in.
And here she is all assembled. The army is so big, base to base it sits around seven feet long. Going to need a new backdrop for this one, not only to have something in theme but it’s going to take quite a few tricks just to get everything in frame!
Assembly itself went rather well. These kits are easy on the mold lines. My normal process for something this large is to set down with the first box from a stack of a unit, and assemble it. Doing so I get all the learning out of the way, figuring out what goes where, consulting the instructions. Afterwards I will break out the other 5-10 boxes and go pure assembly line. This is more tedious, but actually makes it easier to focus on finding mold lines. If the brain is set on one part, for example legs, you plow through and are looking for the same lines on the same part, rather than switching legs, to torso to head and so on every five parts if you do it box by box.
This way also makes it easier to make sure the correct wargear is on. Once the bulk of every model that is relatively the same (legs, torso) then I will pull X number of models that are a champion or specific special weapon, and get the arms out for them and individually pose them. This works a great deal better than assembling squad by squad, trying to keep certain arms separate, as a lot of GW kits do nowadays. Less fuss, and can focus more on posing and keeping the numbers right than what is what.
That’s all for this time. The army is coming along well and soon enough will have some finished shots, as well as in depth of making the backdrop, which will be a whopper. Thanks for reading, and until next time!
As always for more fun pictures, or more images of other projects, feel free to visit me elsewhere:
~What’s the largest army you’ve assembled at one time?