Wyrd: ‘Broken Promises’ to Debut at GenCon

The latest book for Malifaux has new rules and new fluff – a must for any player.
Broken Promises will premeire at Gencon. Check it out at Wyrd’s booth – #1129 in the exhibitor’s hall, straight back from the main doors. We’re looking forward to hearing more about the new volume in the weeks coming up to the con! For now, a preview image…
A bit on the game for those who haven’t played yet (and you should)…
Based in an alternate Earth, Malifaux uses gothic, steampunk, and victorian horror with a dose of the wild west to inject fun and depth into the magical lawlessness of a world rife with monsters, necropunks, man-machine hybrids, gunslingers, and powerhungry politicos. Actively using character-driven stories to define the world of Malifaux, seek your fortune in this fast paced and brutal 32mm tabletop miniature skirmish game. Assemble your crew and stake your claim!
2nd edition is out now – you can give the rules a try for free! Download them here. The new edition includes new factions, characters, and stories with more depth; and provides more choices and a clarity in the rule set.