Wyrd: Cyclops Knows How to Beat the Summer Heat

Check out how this cold hearted Neverborn’s new art was created in this look behind the scenes.
The Neverborn just got colder…
He’s definitely a great addition to Malifaux’s menagerie of monsters! The Neverborn bring a special kind of horror to the city of Malifaux…
[They] are terrible monsters that brutally prey upon the humans who have appeared to claim Malifaux for their own. The Neverborn take many shapes, from the winged Nephilim to the ghostly Sorrows. Some are deceptively similar in appearance to humans, able to walk among them, and these are by far the most dangerous, as their unknown designs are far more subtle and far-reaching. Where many Neverborn are satisfied by grizzly, indulgent murder, these human-looking monsters wage a campaign of terror on mankind through grand organized raids and clever attacks on human settlements. Despite this focus on the bigger picture, most of these Neverborn are not above the occasional indulgent murder.
2nd edition is out now – you can give the rules a try for free! Download them here. The new edition includes new factions, characters, and stories with more depth; and provides more choices and a clarity in the rule set.
What do you think of Cylops?