Boardgame Bonanza: Plays CMON’s Raise Your Goblets

Join the BoLS Crew this week for some exciting games of drinking and building castles and *almost* no one dies!
It’s a fine night for a drink, provided of course theres no poison in it. What? Why would you even think there should be poison in it? Obviously there isn’t. It’s poison free–just wine, no poison. So join the BoLS Crew for Boardgame Bonanza, where each week we play a different boardgame or set of boardgames for your entertainment and edification. This week, we tackled Raise Your Goblets and Castellan, both of which dealt with very different things.
Raise Your Goblets is a game that pits players as nobles at a banquet with a vendetta against one another. Sitting at this table are a bunch of backstabbing poisoners who would sooner kill you as look at you, so you’ve got to be quick with the arsenic (or whatever your poison of choice is) but also make sure you’ve got some antidote in your wine, because if you don’t take care of what you drink… well…
Be sure and join us next week when we tackle Lazer Ryderz from Greater Than Games. It’s a rip-roaring time you won’t want to miss–or if that’s not enough, you can always catch us live on our Twitch Stream. Every Tuesday is board game night here at BoLS, so grab a snack and join the fun and take a look at these board games if you like. Coming up soon we’ll have our first ever subscriber happy hour game, wherein we’ll play a game of your choosing (if you’re a subscriber) so check out our Twitch page for more information on that.
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I’m hoping we have to play Twilight Imperium and that nobody gets to leave until we actually finish the game.