CMON: Ice & Fire Kickstarter in its Final Hours

Your chance to pick up a bunch of KS exclusives is almost up – get in while you still can!
Lead your house into battle by forming your army out of units of cavalry, infantry, named characters and more in A Song of Ice & Fire. Units are arranged in movement trays with one to twelve models each. You can scale battles from a few units up to a grand sized army to recreate the Battle of the Bastards or any of the historical battles of Westeros – the rules work for either.
Your general gets the use of a Tactics Deck that gives your force different abilities based on the general’s strengths and abilities. And each house has it’s own fighting style – Stark is aggressive, the Lannisters have a little more subtle approach. The game includes cards to help players keep track of their units’ abilities, and is based on a D6 combat system with an alternating activation turn structure. You will not be left waiting while your opponent takes their turn – the action is fast and challenging.
You can find out more about the gameplay here.
The Kickstarter funded in 24 hours and is at over $1m right now – so getting your copy is a sure bet. There are a bunch of add ons – like a game mat, plastic terrain, tokens, and custom dice – available to help you get the most of your gaming experience. There are several KS exclusives, including this model that comes with the starter set that looks a little familiar…
There are also a large number of stretch goals open…
As of writing the Jaime Lannister alt sculpt was the only remaining unlocked stretch goal…
Become a Backer Today – Only Hours Remain!