Geekery: Deconstructing ‘There Will Be Blood’

Nerd Writer takes a look at how cuts change the tone in There Will Be Blood, which turns 10 this year.
In recent years using fast cuts to make a scene feel more urgent, dangerous, and tense has become ubiquitous. It’s slower looks, sweeping pans, and long continuous shots that stand out these days. Stanley Kubrick, Gaspar Noé, David Lynch, Martin Scorsese, Quintin Tarantino, Richard Linklater, are all known for slowing things down to create tension, unease, and pull their audiences in.
Paul Thomas Anderson and editor Dylan Tichenor made a masterpiece in 2007 using long cuts and continuous shots.
As a bit of a bonus: an interview with Michael Semanick about the sound design for the movie…
What are you thoughts on how directors use editing to enhance a screenplay?