Geekery: ‘Mother!’ Brings All of the Psychological Horror

Darren Aronofsky’s new film looks super creepy, and is eerily familiar in all the right ways.
Ok, horror fans, before we begin: what does the poster remind you of? A classic made in the late 1960s? Moving on, with that in mind.
In a recent interview with Vulture the director described the Mother! as “a cruise missile shooting into a wall, this film. I want audiences to be prepared for that and prepped that it’s a very intense ride.” Beyond that and what’s in the trailer not much is known about the plot, which is how Aronofsky wants it.
That’s how you cut a trailer that makes your target audience want to buy tickets.
No one is really sure if this is a homage, or a marketing misdirection to really blindside audiences. Aronofksy has made brilliant suspense movies in the past; he’s addressed body horror and psychological break downs in a way that many don’t dare to. I’m a fan, so I’m totally in for this. I want to know what the heck is going on here.
How about you?