Geekery: New Punisher Teaser Reveals Cast

The slow drip of marketing has begun…
The teaser gives a look at the ensemble cast, which includes some familiar faces, and newcomers like Ben Barnes as Billy Russo. And thanks to a series of morse code tweets we have the names of all 13 episodes:
- 3 AM
- Two Dead Men
- Kandahar
- Resupply
- Gunner
- The Judas Goat
- Crosshairs
- Cold Steel
- Front Toward Enemy
- Virtue of the Vicious
- Danger Close
- Home
- Memento Mori
There are definitely some references to Frank Castle’s service in the military in there – in season 2 of Daredevil if was mentioned that he was stationed in Kandahar, Afghanistan and “Front Toward Enemy” is part of the instructions for setting a mine. We’re going to get a look at Frank’s past, and how it’s made him who he is.
The release date is still a guarded secret, but there is a theory floating around the net: Friday November 10th is the anniversary of the Marines.
Any theories about the release date or the series?