P3: Base-ic Instincts

Privateer press has us all in base-ic training with this latest series of hobby tutorial videos.
Following up on their previous tutorial videos where they talked about priming and brush control, Privateer Press has a new tutorial series out, this time detailing thematic basing from assembly to painting. Check them out:
via Privateer Press
This first video has all the details you’ll need to put together some bases for your minis.
And this second has all the painting techniques you’ll need to get your bases looking beautiful on the tabletop. Adding details like this enhances the presentation of your figures. A good base can really make a mini pop–BoLS’ own Jain Zar always carries a dead space marine on her base, for instance.
These two tutorials are a great way to get started modeling, and you can find more painting tips every week with Privateer.
Just making sure your bases are covered.