Priming Your Painting Technique with Privateer

Today is all about taking your technique to the next level.
Technique is the name of the game with the latest batch of tutorials from Privateer Press. Join one of their studio painters for a lesson in some of the basic techniques that will help beef up your base. They’ll fortify your foundation. Strengthen your sub-basement.
In this metaphor your sub-basement is the reason everything above ground looks great, I guess. At any rate, with these videos, you’ll get an in depth look at both Brush Control and model mounting. Both of these can help you get your miniatures looking the way they should. The way you want them to.
Brush Control is important, as its what mashes site the paint goes where you want it to. And whether you’re just getting started or have been painting for years, it’s always a good time to stop and take a look at this technique.
This one’s all about pinning your models, so that they’ll stay in place once assembled, or while you written on them. Stability and sturdiness are the key to a good paint job, and with these techniques you’ll be well on your way to getting your models tabletop ready and raring to go.
Happy painting!