BoLS: STREAMING NOW – “Everyone Expects the Inquisition” & Dice Strike Back

Today on Dark Apocrypha an Inquisitor leads Sororitas against the T’au. Then The Dice Strike Back plays some X-Wing!
This week on Dark Apocrypha…
Everybody Expects the Inqusition!
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Everybody Expects the Inquisition – Part 3: T’au-ering Inferno (watch LIVE NOW)
The Deathwatch mission has been a success, and Eldar have been punished for working with Bastian’s Buccaneers. Inquisitor Claudius has now found out that not only the Eldar, but also the T’au have been supporting the pirate forces. Gathering a force of Sisters of Battle from the Order of the Flame Eternal he makes his way to a nearby T’au colony to hoping to destroy it and cut off the pirates supplies. Little does he know that this colony is under the protection of the famous T’au commander Ironsights, and Ironsights is not about to let Imperial forces lay waste to T’au property without a fight!
Army Lists
Inquisition + Sisters of Battle
T’Au Empire
Everybody Expects the Inquisition – Part 2: Zero Grimdark Thirty (watch the game)
For decades the pirates known as Bastian’s Buccaneers have plagued Imperial space, launching lightning fast hit and run raids. Lord Inquisitor Claudius has found ancient maps pointing to an xenos artifact amongst the ruins of the Bastion’s Buccaneers base. Following the trail leads to an Alaitoc Craftworld facilily. With such a dangerous quarry Claudius calls in the Death Watch to obtain his prize and monitors the situation from his ship!
Army Lists
DW Sgt – bolt pistol, xenosphase blade
DW Sgt – bolt pistol, powersword
Alaitoc Craftworld
Fuegan – 8
Farseer Skyrunner – 9
10x Dire Avengers – 6
10x Dire Avengers – 6
10x Dire Avengers – 6
5x Fire Dragons – 6
5x Fire Dragons – 6
Hemlock Wraithfighter -10
Wraithlord – 7
Falcon – 11
Falcon – 11
Everybody Expects the Inquisition – Part 1: Avast Me Maties! (watch the game)
For decades the pirates known as Bastian’s Buccaneers have plagued Imperial space, launching lightning fast hit and run raids. Lord Inquisitor Claudius has made it his mission to search out and destroy the scum, not of the crime of being pirates, but for the heresy of being Xenos and Human working together. Having found one of their secret bases, Claudius summons a nearby strike force of Ultramarines to aid him in attacking the pirates and swears that their story will end this day!
Army Lists
Inquisition & Ultramarines
Captain In terminator Armour w/ Relic Blade-7 Captain Arnold Warlord Trait: Adept of the Codex
Inquistor- 5- Inquistor Claudius
Primaris LT – 5 – Lt. Dan
Primaris Ancient- 5-Ancient Nestor -Relic- Standard of the Emperor Ascendant
5x Terminator Squad – 12
10x Tactical Squad – 9
10x Tactical Squad – 9
5x Scout Squad – 6
Redemptor Dreadnought – 10
Rhino-2x strom bolters- 4
Rhino 2x storm bolters -4
5x Hellblasters w/ Assault Plasma Incnerators- 8
5x Hellblasters w/ Assault Plasma Incnerators- 8
Bastian’s Buccaneers
(Note All units in the army gain the key word “Buccaneers”. Chance all “Sept” “Craftworld” or “Regiment” to say Buccaneers.
Captain Princess Bastian (Autarch)-5
10 x Breacher Team – 5
Warlock -3
“The Dice Strike Back” – X-Wing
After the 40K game, join us for our Star Wars show “The Dice Strike Back”. This week we are playing X-Wing. We’ll see what the Rebels, Imperials and Scum come up with to entertain you!
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Come join us 7 days a week for all the games we can jam in. Here’s the NEW schedule:
Everything’s fully painted and we have an insane amount of giant armies… for tons of your favorite games just waiting for you to enjoy. We’ll be playing competitive games, casual games, crazy narrative games and everything in between. Then look forward to everything from lore to tactics to tabletop, RPGs and more.
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