BREAKING: Giant 40K Mystery Tank – WOW

We don’t have any idea what this is – but Gav Thorpe confirmed he saw it with his own eyes.
OK, right off the bat, here’s the basics:
Here’s the original shot of the vehicle from “doot” on twitter:
What the actual hell #warmongers ??
— doot (@Teabreakgossip) October 11, 2017
Gav chimes in shortly thereafter with this:
Saw this for real recently and my exact words were: That’s just sold me on the Primaris.
— Gav Thorpe (@GavThorpeCreate) October 11, 2017
The “Mini”
- This a quite large mini. You can estimate its scale based on the Imperial containers behind it.
- Unknown if this is a conversion, or something massive from the GW Studio, or Forge World
- It is painted in Red Scorpions colors.
- The top turret looks to be related to the Sicaran in design.
- It incorporates many elements from the Primaris Repulsor tank.
- Gav Thorpe specifically referred to Primaris Marines when describing it.
- It almost appears to be a Primaris hover version of a Mastodon.
~Have at it with this one folks. What do you think it is?