For the Laughing God – A Harlequin Cosplay

approves of this Harlequin Player by Kae Chambers. We’re taking a trip to the Webway with this Warhammer 40K Harlequin cosplay feature!
War There is Poetry-Harlequin Cosplay
While surfing through the Facebook Eldar forums a few years ago, I came across a fantastic Harlequin body paint photoshoot. I knew I had to track down the artist. I discovered Kae Chambers, an artist with a history in Warhammer and a beautifully whimsical aesthetic. She was kind enough to give us a short interview, and some more images of her fantastic Harlequin cosplay set with Jessika Locking and Stuart Richards. This week we’re featuring a cosplay body paint artist straight out of the WebWay!
How did you get your start with Warhammer 40k?
I got into Warhammer about 15 years ago when I met my partner. He was brought up with WH and still collects the models and reads the books, as well as regular visits to Games workshop stores. He was always trying to get me to feel the love for Space Marines but I just didn’t warm to it … until I looked at the Eldar Codex and it all changed.
What Army/Armies Do You Play?
We have Space marines that belong to my partner … We don’t play as such but more for painting. Both our children are now into WH and now our youngest is old enough to play. An army collection is in progress. It’s really more for the story, the lore, and for me.. the painting!
Who is Your Favorite Character to Create?
Any of the Eldar… I love elves, I love how dark they are compared to other representations. Harlequins seem quite mysterious. Their history is interesting with no distinction between art and war, kept alive through performance and their sole authority being the Laughing God. It makes for good paint and helps have a wonderful model who can carry off the look.
How Did You Get Your Start with Art/Painting?
Originally I was a cosplayer but I started the painting because a friend of mine was a body paint model and got me to brave it and apply as a model. My artist told me I should give body painting a go… this was 18 months ago and I have never looked back! I love it, I get to meet wonderful people and I have even had the chance to paint at horror cons, and tattoo conventions, and next year I hope to do comic cons.. a comic con or 5 is on my 2018 list of public paints!
What are Your Favorite Types of Painting Projects to Create?
Anything geeky! I take inspiration from computer games both consoles, PC, and MMO’s. We are a family of gamers so there are many different platforms being played with a range of gaming tastes. From WH Total War to Minecraft. I like to take a character and customize it slightly, either zombifying it or adding a comic book style.
What Mediums Do You Use When You Paint?
Body paints. Both brush and sponge. I use PartyXplosion and Superstar cake paints as well as body paint liquids such as Senjo airbrush paint… I love using glitter- it has to be cosmetic grade and ideally bio-degradable. If I can find a way to add glitter I will!!!
What are Your Favorite Comic/Gaming Characters?
Oh wow… were to start. I have a love for Elves… World of Warcraft is my soft spot ( am I allowed to say this on a WH interview? Lol)
I have recently done a Demon Hunter body paint and a gauge paint from Borderlands. I want to do another WH Eldar paint. Jessika my model was just perfect for this cosplay character.
Any Interesting Upcoming Projects?
I have a snow queen paint planned but with a twist, Eldar paint next year, another Warcraft paint, and a couple of group fantasy themes. I like to push myself, there are so many complex characters out there I want to try to recreate.
~Join us next week for more Cosplay Coverage~
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