D&D: Extra Life Events this Friday & Saturday

Extra Life’s day of gaming is coming up this Saturday. Get your game on, be a hero.
October winds down, that means it’s time to leave Ravenloft and deal with horrors of another kind entirely: reality. But, while the night may be dark and full of terrors, there’s still plenty of good in it–and coming up this Friday and Saturday is a chance to really give to people who need it. The Extra Life Day of Gaming is almost here, so read on to find out how you can join in on the fun, and raise some money for a great cause.
via Extra Life
We play a lot of Dungeons & Dragons here, both in front of the camera on twitch.tv/dnd and behind the scenes. But there’s nothing more satisfying than playing D&D to raise money for kids. 2017 is going to be our fourth year bringing the D&D community together to benefit Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals. With the help of our amazing community of DMs, players, donors, and viewers, we raised over $74,000 last year. And since 2013 we’ve raised an astounding $290,000 for Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals!
This year, we’re doubling down by streaming not only from the d20 Studio at the Wizards of the Coast offices, but also pulling together many of our livestream gamers to broadcast D&D sessions from multiple locations across the globe—including game sessions taking place at GameHole Con.
We’re starting with a game on the evening of November 3rd featuring the D&D team along with Satine Phoenix and Ruty Rutenberg from Maze Arcana while they’re in Madison, WI for GameHole Con. Then on November 4th, you’ll be able to watch 12 hours of D&D live play during the official Extra Life event day.
There’s a ton of cool games that you can catch this coming Friday and Saturday where you can see folks from the D&D community coming together to play the game we all love, and helping raise money to benefit the Children’s Miracle Network. There’s all kinds of cool rewards you can earn with your donations, so, check out these events, get some sweet loots, and come away feeling like a hero.
The Machineries of Death
November 3rd, 7-11pm (CT)
Hidden deep within the jungles of Chult is a forgotten temple of Bhaal. The place is warded with dozens of fiendish traps and terrible monsters as befits the Lord of Murder. With the adventure of the Death Curse, it might offer hope to those who have lost everything. The temple was rumored to be the hiding place of the Voice of Ilmater. If the heroes can liberate this powerful artifact, perhaps they can turn the tide of death that threatens to overwhelm the world.
Run by co-creator and creative lead for 5th Edition, Mike Mearls, the Machineries of Death pits heroes against some devious traps and deadly monsters. But you can help or hinder them–see some legendary NPCs, items, or monsters make an appearance fueled by your donations. Or better yet, get an updated monster of your choice in an upcoming DMs Guild Mini Monster Manual.
- $25: Grant me a re-roll during the game. (No limit)
- $50: Summon NPC: I’ll have a famous NPC make an appearance during the game, to interact with the players (your suggestion—may be Durnan, Minsc, Meepo, or you name it). (No limit)
- $50: Summon Monster I: I’ll add one of the following monsters to the game, as a further threat against the players: carrion crawler, cockatrice, dinosaur of any type, displacer beast, faerie dragon, kenku, mimic, ooze of any type, owlbear, rust monster, troll. (No limit)
- $75: Summon Monster II: I’ll add one of the following monsters to the game, as a further threat against the players: behir, beholder, chimera, dragon of any type, flumph, golem of any type, hydra, incubus/succubus, mind flayer, umber hulk, or suggest something not on the list. (No limit)
- $75: Summon Artifact: I’ll have a famous item found during the game, for special use by players (your suggestion—may be a deck of many things, sphere of annihilation, Blackrazor—or you name it). (Limit 3)
- $100: Summon Monster III: I’ll add one of the following monsters to the game, as a further threat against the players: balor, death knight, demilich, dracolich, kraken, pit fiend, purple worm, tarrasque; or suggest something not on the list. (Limit 3)
- $200: Win my gear; I’ll send you my dice used in the game. I’ll even throw in my copy of Tomb of Annihilation. Now claimed.
- $250: I will update a D&D monster of your choice from a prior edition. The monsters from this reward tier will be collected into a PDF and posted on the DMs Guild. (Limit 20; 1 claimed)
- $2,500: I will design a new option for an existing class, such as a sorcerous origin or warlock patron, to your specifications. The subclass will be balanced against existing options. You will receive a cert allowing you to play this subclass in Adventurers League. Now claimed.
After this session, everything kicks off early Saturday morning (depending) with Encounter Roleplay.
Encounter Roleplay
November 4th, 8am-10am (PT)
Dungeon Master extraordinaire Will Jones of Encounter Roleplay is helming this mystery session to get things started.
Lauren Urban’s Game Session
November 4th, 11am-2pm (PT)
Lauren Urban of Drunks & Dragons and Destiny & Doom is behind the screen of this session that promises to be full of Hadrosauruses. Lots of ways to meddle with the game here, including naming one of those Hadrosaurs.
All donors: We’ll be pleased to include your name in a special message of thanks, posted to both the D&D website and in a future issue of Dragon+.
$25: Four Hadrosaurus will appear in the game, and you can name one of them! (Limit 4; 1 Claimed)
$25: Grant me the ability to impose disadvantage on one player roll. (No limit; 1 Claimed)
$50: A cursed alchemy jug will appear in the game, and you can choose one of the liquids that will come out of it! What liquid do you choose? (Limit 5)
$50: Your name in the game! An NPC will show up with a name you choose (your real name, Twitter handle, your best friend’s name, ect…)! (Limit 4)
$75: Choose one monster from the Monster Manual or Volo’s Guide to Monsters of a Challenge Rating of 9 or lower and it will appear in the game! (Now Claimed: Giant Ape)
$100: Choose one monster from the Monster Manual or Volo’s Guide to Monsters, NO CHALLENGE RATING LIMIT, and it will appear in the game! (Limit 1)
$150: The DM’s Chest: I’ll send you my dice, dice bag, all my DMs notes, and my copy of Tomb of Annihilation! (Limit 1)
*Remember that any names, messages, or other rewards must fall in the Code of Conduct policies!
The Lost Kenku
November 4th, 2-5pm (PT)
Run by Shawn Wood.
Finding a lost companion is difficult at the best of times. Finding a kenku thief lost in the jungles of Chult—let us just say that is not a task for the inexperienced. A strange eccentric, a strange town, and a dangerous jungle are all that stands in the way of finding your friend and solving this mystery. Possibly dinosaurs, zombies, dino-zombies, man-eating flora, snake people, and… anything from the monster manual really. Best just prepare for everything. Chult is dangerous.
- $20: Grant me a re-roll during the game. (No limit)
- $25: Summon NPC: I’ll have a famous NPC make an appearance during the game, to interact with the players (your suggestion—may be Durnan, Minsc, Meepo, or you name it). (No limit)
- $25: Summon Monster I: I’ll add one of the following monsters to the game, as a further threat against the players: carrion crawler, cockatrice, dinosaur of any type, displacer beast, faerie dragon, kenku, mimic, ooze of any type, owlbear, rust monster, troll. (No limit)
- $50: Summon Monster II: I’ll add one of the following monsters to the game, as a further threat against the players: behir, beholder, chimera, dragon of any type, flumph, golem of any type, hydra, incubus/succubus, mind flayer, umber hulk, or suggest something not on the list. (No limit)
- $50: Summon Artifact: I’ll have a famous item found during the game, for special use by players (your suggestion—may be a deck of many things, sphere of annihilation, Blackrazor—or you name it). (Limit 3; 1 Claimed: deck of many things)
- $50: I’ll add a cursed item of your suggestion to the game. (No limit)
- $50: Win my adventure; I’ll send you a copy (Word/PDF doc) of the adventure scenario that I ran. (No limit)
- $100: Summon Monster Art: Suggest any monster, and I’ll use it in the game, draw a sketch of it and send you a signed print. (Limit 5; 1 Claimed)
And all that’s just the first half of the lineup. You can find out more and tune in live at twitch.tv/dnd.
Make your own fun, donate for two NPCs who just hate each other to show up at the same time.