AM Doctrines, New 40K Game & FAQS, Plus D&D’s Hollywood Player

It’s been BUSY out there with new Astra Militarum rules, minis, an all new 40K boardgame plus new D&D classes and Hollywood player.
40K: Remaining 3 Astra Militarum Regiments Confirmed
We’ve got confirmation of the final 3 Regiments and their Doctrines – For the Emperor!
Unboxing: Warhammer Underworlds: Shadespire
We’ve got our hands on the Shadespire box and the two additional Warbands – join us as we take a dive into the Cursed City!
Joe Manganiello’s D&D Obsession (is a Good Thing)
Sofia Vergara talked about her husband’s D&D fandom on Late Night this week. Sounds like he has a pretty sweet game room!
GW: New Releases September 30th “Pricing & Links”
Good ol’Papa Nurgle has some new toys he wants to share with the world – More Death Guard kits PLUS the Astra Militarum Codex this weekend!
Privateer Press: Dig These Trencher Preview
Take a look at the latest preview of what’s coming in October for Privateer Press. Spoiler alert–it’s mostly Trenchers.
Astra Militarum – Codex Overview
Come take a look at Codex: Astra Militarum with us, and you too can be a tactical genius.
D&D: Cavaliers, Glamorous Bards, and Dreamy Druids
Check it out–three more subclass previews from Xanathar’s Guide to Everything. Fighters, Bards and Druids rejoice.
40K: New FAQs for Death Guard & Ad-Mech
New FAQs, errata, clarifications and more for Death Guard, Ad-Mech, and Imperial Knights.
Iello & Devil Pig Announce WH40K: Heroes of Black Reach
A new way to play in the Warhammer 40k universe is on its way – check this out!
40K: New Deathguard Releases – Plague Marines & Putrefiers
Take a look at what’s coming next week for the Death Guard, Plague Marines and their Biologous Putrefier.
~Onto the new week!