Geekery: The Second Last Jedi Trailer has Arrived

The long wait for another glimpse at Episode VII is over – and it’s got some great moments.
SPOILER WARNING: if you want to walk into the theater without a knowing a lot about the plot you’ll want to skip this and pretty much any promotion after this point.
There’s a lot going on here – from one on one battles to mass space battles, and there are some rather large questions raised. I’m hoping that Rian Johnson and Disney have managed to pull off a movie that can handle those questions, and not shy away from a good story because it’s dark.
Also: porgs are totally the new ewok. They’re never not adorable.
And it came with a new poster that some think has a hidden meaning…
Star Wars: The Last Jedi hits theaters on December 15th – you can buy tickets now.
What do you think about the hints in this trailer?