GW: Rumor Engine “Horn of the Mountain”

Games Workshop’s latest teaser has us wondering what part of the beast we’re looking at…
I’m not sure what is going on with this one folks – so here goes:
via Warhammer Community
Riding into view like an ancient hero atop some kind of flying machine, the Rumour Engine is here, with a particularly cryptic instalment. What could it possibly be?
Whelp…we just don’t know what is going on here. Is that a tail? A Rock? Why does it have “scales” if it’s a rock? Also are those vines coming out of it? Perhaps roots? What if it’s not a plant and it’s some type of weird appendage? And how about the “horn” on top. It’s obviously tied to this “rock” and it appears to have a ring through it. I’m just not sure…
As far as which system this is for – again, it’s really REALLY vague. It could be some weird alien thing for 40k or it could just as easily fit in the AoS universe. Heck, let’s not get into the “side” games like Shadespire, Blood Bowl or the up coming Necromunda…
I leave this one to you Internet Dective Agency – what do you think it is?