P3 Painting: Black and Yellow, Black and Yellow

Get your models painted up just like Wiz Khalifa’s car with these new painting tutorials from Privateer Press.
Time to up your paint game, make your models look stylish and, depending on your paint scheme, possibly make them look like a bee or the kind of snake no one can remember if it’s deadly or not.
First up, we have a guide to painting black. This one can be tricky, the wrong kind of black can look flat. Our worse, it can hide the details of the models and then not only does it look flat, but it looks flat and poorly sculpted.
Painting black is as much about the contrast of other colors as it is about the actual black. So give this video a look, and then, it’s time to think about cowardice because next up is the video that’s all about making your models Yellow.
I like how bright the yellows come off in this video. It’s, as most of these things are, the work of layers. Layers upon layers upon parfaits upon layers. But, stack them all up and, like that universally beloved confection which can also stand in a a metaphor for an ogre in a pinch, you’ll hey something truly beautiful.
Yellow can be another difficult color to paint, it’s either too overpowering or too mustardy and dull. But, you can get a good idea of how to blend and highlight yellows in this video.
And, as always, Privateer Press does a longer paint along video each week, I find them helpful to see technique in context–and this week is an opportunity to see one of their earlier Grymkin models get finished up.
These are also great to just toss on while you’re painting so you can practice with the pros.
Now on the meantime, I’ve got a song to get out of my head.