Review: Deep Cut Studio Print-o-Mat

Hello everyone. Gediminas from Deep Cut Studio offered me to test his new print-o-mat service to design your own gaming mat – of course I said yes!
Disclaimer first, I got this gaming mat at a significant discount.
The print-o-mat allows you to upload your own picture to turn them into a gaming mat. The procedure is easy – upload a picture, and the system will automatically recognize it’s size, shows you a preview and if it looks okay, you go straight to order. The only thing you’ll have to worry about is the resolution of the picture. 150 dpi are recommended, and I actually had some trouble finding an appropriate sample. Eventually I chose this satellite picture of a dust storm over Lake Chad from a NASA website:
And this is the extract I submitted, scaled to 2’x2′:
The print-o-mat will show you some life-sized extracts of your picture to check the resolution, and a couple of clicks and a Paypal transaction later everything was sorted. The system can cater to a range of demands, from Bloodbowl and Guild Ball pitches to mats for The Walking Dead to 4’x6′ mats.
Production turn-around was very fast, and the mat was on its way to me via UPS within 48 hours. Because I live a long way from Europe, it took 10 days to arrive:
Inside a decent size stable box was my rolled-up shiny new mat:
And it did not disappoint! The mouse-pad material is heavy and looks and feels like it can take quite a beating before showing wear and tear. The print quality is actually much better than I expected. Here are some pics:
I also took pictures outside in sunlight to show you how good the colors are:
The backside has a pattern that makes it very hard to accidentally shift the mat:
And here are some shots with miniatures from my collection:
Overall, I am very impressed by the print-o-mat. It is easy to use, doesn’t cost more than an “off-the-shelf” mat and the result is astonishing.
So if you always wanted your very own gaming mat, go and have a look at the print-o-mat. I highly recommend it, and I am already scouring the internet for an amazing deep space picture!
Thanks again to Deep Cut Studio for the opportunity to test this service before everybody else!
~ Who uses modern fabric-printed and rubber backed table mats and what do you think about them compared to traditional tabletops?