Tyranids Imminent, D&D Barbarians, Star Wars Destiny & More

BUGS – RUN! D&D new classes, Star Wars Destiny peeks, and a lot of new products from GW arrived this weekend.
40K Previews: Tyranid Codex, Hydra Rules, and Ryza Ruins
Next week is a pretty exciting week, 40K-wise. It’ll be full of Tyranid previews, even if their rules seem a little…buggy.
D&D: Path of the Storm Herald
Be a Barbarian, bring the thunder. Check out the latest Xanathar’s Guide preview.
40K: Necromunda Rules In Action
Get a look at Necromunda in action with this how to play preview video from Warhammer TV.
Star Wars: Destiny – Luke & Boba Fett Starter Previews
Fantasy Flight Games has more teasers for the upcoming two New Starter Sets coming for Star Wars: Destiny!
40K: Tyranid Codex Rumors
There’s a new Tyranid codex coming, and the first batch of rumors is bubbling up to the surface.
Pathfinder: Ruins of Azlant Pt. 4
The lost city of Azlant is full of monsters, forgotten gods, and worse. Descend into its depths.
GW: New Releases October 28th “Pricing & Links”
Two new Challengers aspire to topple Shadespire!
GW: New Gangs & Teams Heading Your Way
The Gangs of Necromunda are heading your way along with the Elven Union for Blood Bowl!