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BoLS: STREAMING NOW – “40K:Tournament of Blood” & Hogwart’s Battle

8 Minute Read
Nov 14 2017
Warhammer 40K

This week on Dark Apocrypha a Bloody Tournament for Chaos – 4 Armies enter – 1 army leaves!  Then play Harry Potter Boardgames with us.

This week on Dark Apocrypha…

Tournament of Blood!


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Tournament of Blood: To Please the Gods – Round 2  (watch LIVE NOW)

Hidden deep within the warp storm known as the Crimson Nova lies a blasted and forsaken world. Situated at the center of a grouping of warp portals the world is the domain of a band of demonic renegades, being of such power they might well be known as lesser Chaos Gods, if such names were not forbidden.

Over the endless eons they have spent on this world they have learned to entertain themselves by pitting those, who through luck or desire, find themselves stranded on the world against each in gladiatorial combats. Depending on what harvest the warp has deposited on their door step the contests may be being vs being, or may pit whole armies against each other. To the victors are given great spoils and freedom. Even a loser who endears themselves to the crowd may find themselves released. But those who fail to preform, or displease the watchers find themselves punished in truly  imaginative ways. The itching never stops…

In celebration of the recent arrival of four battle groups of brave warriors the gods have decided to hold a massive Tournament of Blood. Four full armies shall fight in the arena of their entertainment. For the first two days of combat armies will be pitted against their natural enemies. On the third day the winners of the first rounds shall fight, for their can only be one victor. To this victor will be awarded an ancient relic, to the losers, only despair and shame.  For the second offering the a Holy Ministorum crusade must face the eternal hunger of the Tyranid hivefleets.


Set Up: The Arena, before placing terrain mark a 12″ by 12″ space in the middle of the table, 18″ from each long edge and 30″ from each short edge. This is the Heart of the Arena, no terrain may be placed in it, otherwise set up as normal.

Victory: Glory Seeker


Special Rules

The Gods Want Blood: All units suffer a -1 to hit rolls when targeting a unit more than 12″ away.

The Eyes are Upon You: Units in the Heart of the Arena automatically pass leadership tests.

Wining the Crowds Favor: Whenever a Character slays a model with a melee attack the control favor gains a favor point. One point is gained for each model killed in melee by a character and points are gained immediately when the enemy model is removed. There is no limit to the number of points that a player may have. During the course of the game players may spend their favor points for the following effects:

1 Favor Point: A character may re roll dice.

2 Favor Points: Increase a single characters Attack value by 1 for the round.

3 Favor Points: Pick a friendly character,  they regain a single wound.


5 Favor Points: At the end of the fight phase pick a friendly character within the heart of the arena, they may attack again. A character can only be affect by this ability once per round.

Rile Up The Crowd: At the start of each fight phase any character within the Heart of the Arena can attempt to  rile up the crowd and earn their favor. In order to do so the controlling player must give a short speech. If the crowd (chat) agrees that they did a good job the player is awarded one favor point. Any number of characters can attempt to rile up the crowd each fight phase but each may only do so once. If both players have characters that wish to rile up the crowd they must alternate giving speeches.

Army Lists


Vanguard Detachment

Celestine with x2 Geminae Superia – 14

1x Eversor Assassin -4

8x Death Cult Assassins -4
9x Arco-Flagellants – 6

5x Custodian Guard – 14
3x Penitent Engines – 18
Battalion Detachment – Catachan
Colonel “Iron Hand” Straken – 4
Comissar Yarrick – 7
Ministorum Priest -2
Ministorum Priest -2
10x Infantry Squad w/ flamer -3
10x Infantry Squad w/ flamer -3
10x Infantry Squad w/ flamer -3
10x Infantry Squad w/ flamer -3
9x Ogryns – 13
100 PL 7/7 CP 
Battalion Detachment – Gorgon
Tyranid Prime – Scything Talons, Lashwhip Bonesword
Genestealers x 15 – Toxin Sacs, Rending Claws
Genestealers x 15 – Toxin Sacs, Rending Claws
Tyrant Guard x 3 – Lashwhip Boneswords, Rending Claws
Trygon – Toxin Sacs/Adrenal Glands
Trygon – Toxin Sacs/Adrenal Glands
Warriors x 9 – Scything Talons/BoneSwords
PL  101 6/6 cp 

Tournament of Blood: To Please the Gods  (watch the game)

Hidden deep within the warp storm known as the Crimson Nova lies a blasted and forsaken world. Situated at the center of a grouping of warp portals the world is the domain of a band of demonic renegades, being of such power they might well be known as lesser Chaos Gods, if such names were not forbidden.

Over the endless eons they have spent on this world they have learned to entertain themselves by pitting those, who through luck or desire, find themselves stranded on the world against each in gladiatorial combats. Depending on what harvest the warp has deposited on their door step the contests may be being vs being, or may pit whole armies against each other. To the victors are given great spoils and freedom. Even a loser who endears themselves to the crowd may find themselves released. But those who fail to preform, or displease the watchers find themselves punished in truly  imaginative ways. The itching never stops…

In celebration of the recent arrival of four battle groups of brave warriors the gods have decided to hold a massive Tournament of Blood. Four full armies shall fight in the arena of their entertainment. For the first two days of combat armies will be pitted against their natural enemies. On the third day the winners of the first rounds shall fight, for their can only be one victor. To this victor will be awarded an ancient relic, to the losers, only despair and shame.  For the first offering the noble Blood Angles of Captain Ollivander’s 3rd Company must face the raging hordes of the Deamon Prince Drakhar.


Set Up: The Arena, before placing terrain mark a 12″ by 12″ space in the middle of the table, 18″ from each long edge and 30″ from each short edge. This is the Heart of the Arena, no terrain may be placed in it, otherwise set up as normal.

Victory: Glory Seeker

Special Rules

The Gods Want Blood: All units suffer a -1 to hit rolls when targeting a unit more than 12″ away.


The Eyes are Upon You: Units in the Heart of the Arena automatically pass leadership tests.

Wining the Crowds Favor: Whenever a Character slays a model with a melee attack the control favor gains a favor point. One point is gained for each model killed in melee by a character and points are gained immediately when the enemy model is removed. There is no limit to the number of points that a player may have. During the course of the game players may spend their favor points for the following effects:

1 Favor Point: A character may re roll dice.

2 Favor Points: Increase a single characters Attack value by 1 for the round.

3 Favor Points: Pick a friendly character,  they regain a single wound.

5 Favor Points: At the end of the fight phase pick a friendly character within the heart of the arena, they may attack again. A character can only be affect by this ability once per round.

Rile Up The Crowd: At the start of each fight phase any character within the Heart of the Arena can attempt to  rile up the crowd and earn their favor. In order to do so the controlling player must give a short speech. If the crowd (chat) agrees that they did a good job the player is awarded one favor point. Any number of characters can attempt to rile up the crowd each fight phase but each may only do so once. If both players have characters that wish to rile up the crowd they must alternate giving speeches.

Army Lists

Blood Angles 3rd Company 

Captain Ollivander w/ Jump Pack and Blade of Bees – 6

(The Blade of Bees is an ancient relic recovered by Captain Ollivander. This sword if made out of a strange crystalline materiel of unknown provenance. Though honeycombed with small chambers the blade is light and exceedingly sharp. The blade is also home to a hive of strange bee like creatures, though if they are living or mechanical is unknown. At a thought from the wielder of the blade the bees fly forth and wreak havoc among any target.  When first recovered there was debate over wither the blade should be used or destroyed as all corrupted xenos artifacts should be. The debate was solved when it was noted that the markings on the back of each “bee” bore a striking resemblance to the Imperial Aquila.”
In combat the blade has the following profile:
Melee S: +2 AP: -3 D: d3
Ranged, Rage: 8″ Type: Assault D6 S:5 AP: -1 D:1 Special: This attack automatically hits it target. )

The Sanguinor- 9

Brother Corbulo -5
Chaplain w/ Jump pack -6
LT w/ Jump pack, power fist -5
15x Death Company -29
5x Vanguard Veterans -7
5x Tactical Squad -5
5x Tactical Squad -5
5x Tactical Squad -5
10x Assault Squad -9
10 x Assault Squad – 9

PL 100 6/6 cp

Night Lords 

Daemon Prince with Wings, Hellforge swords, malefic taons, mark of Khorne- 9- Lord Drakhar

Chaos Lord, with Jump Pack, twin lighting claws, Mark of Khorne, (Relic:Claws of the Black Hunt) – 6- Lord Bane

Dark Apostle, power maul, plasma pistol, mark of khorne- 5- J’h’onas

Exalted Champion, power ax, plasma pistol, mark of khorne- 5- Ebeneezer

5x CSM – 5
5x CSM – 5
40x Chaos Cultists -12

10x Khorne Berzerkers- 9

10x Khorne Berzerkers- 9
5x Chaos Termintators – 14
10x Raptors – 10
5x Chaos Spawn – 10
PL  99 6/6 cp 

Board Games Bonanza

After the 40K game, join us for Board Games Bonanza. We are playing Harry Potter Hogwart’s Battle. “You’re a wizard Harry!”


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Come join us 7 days a week for all the games we can jam in. Here’s the NEW schedule:


Everything’s fully painted and we have an insane amount of giant armies… for tons of your favorite games just waiting for you to enjoy. We’ll be playing competitive games, casual games, crazy narrative games and everything in between. Then look forward to everything from lore to tactics to tabletop, RPGs and more.

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Author: Larry Vela
  • 40K Lore: The Real Fallen (Dark) Angels

    Warhammer 40K