Privateer Press: Forge Your Company of Iron

Company of Iron is here and with it, your chance to add to the world of Warmachine.
Company of Iron is the new tactical skirmish game out from Privateer Press, featuring fast paced combat where you can’t win by killing the enemy caster on turn 1. It offers a lot of gameplay depth, as well as breadth–you can typically squeeze in multiple quick gamed of tightly written action.
But now it’s also a chance to make your mark on the World of Warmachine. Design your own Company of Iron, enter it into the contest, and see your creation ascend to the heights of official canon. Check it out.
via Privateer Press
Announcing the Forge Your Company of Iron Contest—your chance to add to the leagacy of the Iron Kingdoms!
What Do I Have to Do?
What you’re already doing! Share your (painted) 20/25 point Company of Iron lists on Facebook (you can find a custom frame for Facebook here to make things easier), Twitter, or Instagram. Make sure to tag us in your post using the hashtag #MYCoI. Give your force an original name and the more creative your back story, the better! Share your lists all month long; we’ll close submissions on December 1st, 2017.
Need some inspiration? Check out these example lists from previous Insiders:
Retribution of Scyrah
Legion of Everblight
Circle Orboros
What Next?
Our panel of expert judges and lore specialists will pick their top three Companies AND their single Grand Prize Winning Favorite! These will be announced on December 8th.
What Do the Winners Get?
Beyond the extreme bragging rights of having your company added to the Iron Kingdoms lore, we’ll create a Company of Iron Faction pin based on each of the top three forces! The Grand Prize winner will have their chosen commander re-imagined into an alternate sculpt that goes with their company! All three pins and the alternate sculpt will be available at WARMACHINE Weekend 2018 in a special collectors box (our three winners will, of course, get this box sent to them as part of their prize)!
So, get out your paints, your hobby tools, and your inspiration—it’s time to FORGE YOUR COMPANY OF IRON!
Time to get customizing folks. Best of luck to you!