Top Ten 40K Minis I Expect in 2018

We’ve been waiting a very long time and the hints have been coming from GW – here’s what my money is on for 2018:
I’m piecing together this list based on content and hints released by GW, alongside a list of ancient minis and ranges that REALLY need some new plastic hotness. Yes it’s great that GW can get long mileage out of metal minis – but at some point they become a negative, instead of a positive.
His mini is ancient and with a newly resurgent Guilliman – the Despoiler has to step up. He’s gotten some amazing recent artwork that points to a new mini in the future. Chaos is too important to the current 8th Edition narrative arc to have Abaddon’s current mini leading the way.
The Serpent has been mentioned multiple times in recent 40K publications and even has speaking roles. Now that Mortarion is out of the way – I strongly believe that Fulgrim is the next chaos primarch.
Leman Russ
There are a couple of obvious ways the next Loyalist primarch can go – namely The Lion, or Russ. I say Russ is the obvious choice for two reasons. His return is strongly implied by the actions of Wrath of Magnus, and his mini could be very visually impressive if he returns with his pair of wolves alongside him – Freki and Geri.
Keeper of Secrets
There are hints from GW that 2018 will be the “Year of Slaanesh” and boy does the Keeper of Secrets need an update. It’s ancient and sitting in that funky design area where you can tell GW just didn’t know what to do with Slaanesh. While I think the nudity will be cast aside I’m interested to see what GW’s new Slaanesh aesthetic will be – based on the amazing Keeper of Secrets mini from earlier this year.
Avatar of Khaine
Another mini that is now holding back the entire Eldar range. Mini-me needs a giant size boost to go head to head with the modern Chaos Greater Daemons. There is also that interesting artwork in the Craftworld Codex showing a giant Avatar going after Magnus.
Myphitic Blight Hauler
What’s up with the only missing mini from codex Death Guard? There’s artwork and a picture of a single copy of mini – but nothing for sale. Extremely odd by GW standards of not releasing rules without models. I have a feeling something funky happened with this kit and it will just drop into our laps out of the blue one of these weeks.
Odds and Ends
Following in the footsteps of this years “Rise of the Primarch” sries – I fully expect GW to jump back on that bandwagon in 2018. I think the triumvirate boxes will return. It’s an ideal vehicle to use to start to update all manner of named characters. Here’s who I think we will see:
A Phoenix Lord
Any would do – but Asurmen is a good solid place to start. He was the first of the Phoenix Lords and he really needs a new helmet.
A Chaos Marine Character
Again, the range is full of ancient models – but I’d love to see Fabius Bile get the full plastic Hellraiser-Haemonculus treatment. He deserves it.
Can we PLEASE get the most famous of the Orks a new giant fancy plastic mini? You just know Ghaz should look like he could knock out a carnifex cold.
A Space Marine Character
There are so many to choose from, but Dante keeps coming to mind. I keep dreaming of a Triumvirate box with a new Dante – Mephiston and Sanguinor – in a masculine counterpart to St. Celestine’s recent kit. It would be amazing!
~Did I forget anyone obvious? Who do you most expect in 2018?