Dark Apocrypha: “A Candlemass Carol”

“Scrooge” Guilliman must fight off the Ghosts of Candlemass to save the holiday for the children of the Imperium!
This past week on Dark Apocrypha…
A Candlemass Carol
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A Candlemass Carol – Part 1 The Ghost of Candlemass Past
“Sanguinius was dead: to begin with. There is no doubt whatever about that. The register of his burial was signed by the High Lord, the clerk, the undertaker, and the chief mourner. Guilliman signed it. And Guilliman’s name was good upon ‘Change, for anything he chose to put his hand to.
Old Sanguinius was as dead as a door-nail.”
It was the day before the Imperial holiday of Candlemass. Normally this would be a day of great joy and celebration in the Imperium. This year Guilliman has ordered that everyone must work through the holiday, making ammunition for the war effort. Even the factories that would normally turn out STC complimentary gift for all children must instead make guns and ammo.
Even Guilliman’s own clerk must work through the day, though he is worried about his son, Tiny Tau Empire, the poor boy is sick and his battlesuit crutch is no longer enough to keep him healthy. There is no rest for anyone.
That night however, when Guilliman returned to his chambers he was greeted by a most disturbing sight. Before him appeared the ghost of his old brother Sanguinius. Sanguinius, warned Guilliman of a dire fate about to befall him, but one that Sanguinius hoped he could still avoid. To that end Guilliman was to be visited by three spirits. Guilliman must listen to them or the worst shall happen. With that the winged ghost vanished.
First that night came the spirit of yet another brother, with silver hands and carrying his own head. “I am the spirit of Candelmas Past.” The spirit told him, and with that whisked him away to past times, happier times, when he and his brothers fought together and the future was still bright.
Guilliman – 18
Captain – 5
Lt- 4
Rhino- 4
Rhino- 4
Rhino- 4
Tactical Squad -x10 9
Tactical Squad x10 – 9
Tactical Squad x10 – 9
Tactical Squad x10 -9
Contemptor Dread – 9
Captain -5
Predator – 9
Whirlwind- 5
Whirlwind- 5
PL 108 10 CP
The Machine Men
Catacomb command Barge – 10
Cryptek- 6
20x Necton Warriors – 12
20x Necton Warriors – 12
10x Immortals – 8
10x Deathmarks -10
Triarch Stalker – 8
Ghost Ark – 8
Night Scythe – 8
3x Wraiths- 6
9x Scarabs – 6
1x Canoptek Spyders- 4
1x Canoptek Spyders- 4
1x Canoptek Spyders- 4
106 PL 6 CP
A Candlemass Carol – Part 2 The Ghost of Candlemass Present
`I am the Ghost of Candelmass Present,’ said the Spirit. `Look upon me.’ And with that the Spirit took him way, granting him a vision of the present, as he and his forces battle their old brothers.
Guilliman – 18
Captain In terminator Armour w/ Relic Blade-7 Captain Arnold
Primaris Librarian – 7 -Librarian Anatolios
Primaris LT – 5 – Lt. Dan
Primaris Ancient- 5-Ancient Nestor -Relic- Standard of the Emperor Ascendant
10x Tactical Squad w/ Lascannon, meltagun – 9
10x Tactical Squad w/ Missile Launcher and flamer – 9
10 x Intercessor 10x Bolt Rife, 2x Aux Grenade Launcher- 10
5x Scout Squad – 6
Rhino-2x strom bolters- 4
Rhino 2x storm bolters -4
5x Hellblasters w/ Assault Plasma Incnerators- 8
5x Hellblasters w/ Assault Plasma Incnerators- 8
PL 100 9 CP
Chaos Marines
Daemon Prince with Wings, Hellforge swords, malefic taons, mark of Khorne- 9- Lord Drakhar
Chaos Lord, with Jump Pack, twin lighting claws, Mark of Khorne, (Relic:Claws of the Black Hunt) – 6- Lord Bane
Dark Apostle, power maul, plasma pistol, mark of khorne- 5- J’h’onas
Exalted Champion, power ax, plasma pistol, mark of khorne- 5- Ebeneezer
5x CSM – 5
5x CSM – 5
40x Chaos Cultists -12
10x Khorne Berzerkers- 9
10x Khorne Berzerkers- 9
5x Chaos Termintators – 14
10x Raptors – 10
5x Chaos Spawn – 10
99 PL 6 CP
A Candlemass Carol – Part 3 The Ghost of Candlemass Future
`I am the Ghost of Candelmass Future,’ said the Spirit. `Look upon me.’ And with that the Spirit took him way, granting him a vision of the future, as he and his forces battle the pitiless hunger that consumed the future.
Guilliman – 18
Captain In Gravis Armour -7 – Ajax
Primaris Librarian – 7 -Librarian Anatolios
Primaris LT – 5 – Lt. Dan
Primaris LT – 5 – Lt. Stan
Primaris Ancient- 5- Ancient Nestor -Relic- Standard of the Emperor Ascendant
5 x Intercessor 10x Bolt Rife, 2x Aux Grenade Launcher- 5
5 x Intercessor 10x Bolt Rife, 2x Aux Grenade Launcher- 5
5 x Intercessor 10x Bolt Rife, 2x Aux Grenade Launcher- 5
3x Reiver – 4
3x Inceptors – 10
5x Hellblasters w/ Assault Plasma Incnerators- 8
5x Hellblasters w/ Assault Plasma Incnerators- 8
Redemptor Dread -10
PL 102 9 CP
Swarmlord – 15
Hive Tyrant w/wings Devourers – 11
Tyranid Prime – 6
Tyranid Warriors x 9 – 13
Genestealers x 15 – 12
Genestealers x 15 – 12
Hive Guard x 3 – 7
Venomthropes x 3 – 5
Carnifex – 6
Carnifex – 6
Carnifex – 6
99 PL 6 CP
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