Goatboy’s Holiday 40K: 7 Wild and Wacky List Ideas

Goatboy here again and instead of some half baked Holidays post I decided to throw out some weird lists I am kinda, sorta building.
A few are probably good but a lot more deal with the fact I have way to many miniatures. A heck of a lot of stuff to the point where I get a wild hair up my bootie I can probably cobble together most things if I felt like it. Currently I have been working on building this crazy Levianthan/Redemptor combo kit that looks like some kind of linebacker of doom. This has me looking at building some kind of Dreadnought list – or Hellbrute list. Also – as I am really only focusing on Chaos style lists – it means pulling out, diving in, and building some Hellforged Jerks.
List #1 – All Jerks – All the Time!
Vanguard Detachment – Chaos Renegades
HQ: Daemon Prince, Wings, Mark of Tzeentch, Warp Bolter – Weaver of Fate
Elite: Hellforged Contemptor Dreadnought, Chainclaw X 2, Soul Burner X 2, Mark of Tzeentch
Elite: Hellforged Contemptor Dreadnought, Chainclaw X 2, Soul Burner X 2, Mark of Tzeentch
Elite: Hellforged Contemptor Dreadnought, Chainclaw X 2, Soul Burner X 2, Mark of Tzeentch
Outrider Detachment – Death Guard
HQ: Daemon Prince, Wings, The Suppurating Plate – Putrescent Vitality – Warlord – Revolting Resilient most of the time
Troops: Pox Walkers X 15 (Bubble Wrap helps keep them in check)
Troops: Pox Walkers X 15
Elite: Hellforged Contemptor Dreadnought, Butcher Cannon X 2
Elite: Hellforged Contemptor Dreadnought, Butcher Cannon X 2
FA: Foetid Bloat Drone, Plague Probe, Plaguespitters X 2
FA: Foetid Bloat Drone, Plague Probe, Plaguespitters X 2
FA: Foetid Bloat Drone, Plague Probe, Plaguespitters X 2
I went with Renegades for my Legion as the 3 Contemptors can advance and still shoot their Soul Burners to cause a ton of Mortal wounds as needed. The whole point of going with the Tzeentch on the Daemon prince is to allow the model a chance to throw a 3+ invulnerable save in combat on one of the Contemptors as needed. It might help and I can always swap out the spell if want for Warptime or something else. The 2 units of Pox Walkers are there as you can always have some bubble wrap for those pesky Alpha legion armies. I could go with a big unit of 20 – but I mostly play ITC etc. I love me some Bloat Drones so having 3 is great as they are fast, annoying and lets me move up with most of my army and get involved quickly. I could swap the Renegade Daemon Prince for a Slaanesh one, take the Elixir for a single Command point, and create another punch heavy Daemon Prince to go with the other one. The best thing about this list is I only need to paint 2 models to get it working. Plus it is small, fits easily in a case, and lets me play fast and lose.
Of course this list is missing a Hellforged Leviathan Dreadnought I am currently building. It is kinda Soul Crushing to think I don’t have that turd in the list so that means I need to look at another build to try and get it in. This usually means dropping the Renegade detachment and looking at just straight Death Guard. I currently have it built out with what looks like the Mortal wound throwing options – the Soulburner Ribaudkin. Whenever I read that I think it is some kind of weird version of the McRib sandwich from another country. But hey I learned it is an actual real thing from the past. A weapon of war that is like a medieval machine gun of sorts. I don’t know how this works with 40k but hey – you learn something new everyday. So let’s reset – figure a way to get that monster thrown in a list and see if I can get it to fit.
List #2 – Leviathan and Friends!
Outrider Detachment – Death Guard
HQ: Daemon Prince, Wings, The Suppurating Plate,
Elite: Hellforged Contemptor Dreadnought, Butcher Cannon X 2
Elite: Hellforged Contemptor Dreadnought, Butcher Cannon X 2
FA: Foetid Bloat Drone, Plague Probe, Plaguespitters X 2
FA: Foetid Bloat Drone, Plague Probe, Plaguespitters X 2
FA: Foetid Bloat Drone, Plague Probe, Plaguespitters X 2
Heavy: Hellforged Leviathan Dreadnought, Hellflamer X 2, Soulburner Ribaudkin X 2
Lord of War Aux Detachment
LoW: Mortarion, Miasma of Pestilence, Blades of Putrefaction, Putrescent Vitality
Battalion Detachment – Alpha Legion
HQ: Chaos Lord, Chainaxe, Chainsword
Troops: Cultists X 10
Troops: Cultists X 10
Troops: Cultists X 10
The reason for the random Chaos Detachment is to allow Morty to swap for Warptime as needed. I don’t know if that is worth it – but again this is looking at list that while weird in some aspects (dreads, etc) I do want it to do some work if needed. Plus Morty can just win you some games if he gets near, gets going, and starts to murder all your opponents friends. It has some of the same core as the other one – as I think you needed some long range shooting in the Contemptors, you have some mortal wound nonsense with the Leviathan, and of course just Morty himself. I won’t lie but I am smitten with those Bloat Drones.
Now to move away from the Bloat Drones and into a more – soupy style strategy that I am currently looking at for LVO. I get the feeling the ability to us all your stratagem options is one of the ways Chaos will do well in games. This means you have to be tricky, have answers to most things, and be able to punish your opponents foolish set up. I used some of the shell of a good buddies list he did well with at the Warzone Atlanta event – mixed with my own thoughts and feelings. I don’t like to just straight copy a list as while Horton’s list falls into most of my favorite play styles it isn’t completely in my wheel house. I just like the straight aggression it throws out.
List #3 – Tweaked Horton list; World Eater Zerkers with Alpha Legion Sneaks
Battalion Detachment – World Eaters
HQ: Kharn the Betrayer
HQ: Exalted Champion, Chainsword X 2
Troops: Khorne Bezerkers X 8, Chainsword/Chainaxe X 8, Icon of Wrath
Troops: Khorne Bezerkers X 8, Chainsword/Chainaxe X 8, Icon of Wrath
Troops: Khorne Bezerkers X 8, Chainsword/Chainaxe X 8, Icon of Wrath
Dedicated Transport: Chaos Rhino, Combi-Bolter X 2
Dedicated Transport: Chaos Rhino, Combi-Bolter X 2
Dedicated Transport: Chaos Rhino, Combi-Bolter X 2
Battalion Detachment – Alpha Legion
HQ: Chaos Lord with Jump Pack, Chainsword, Hydra Blade
HQ: Sorcerer, Force Sword, Mark of Slaanesh – Prescience, Delightful Agonies
Elite: Noise Marines X 20, Sonic Blasters X 20
Troops: Cultists X 40, Mark of Slaanesh, Autoguns X 40
Troops: Cultists X 10
Troops: Cultists X 10
Patrol Detachment – Chaos Daemons
HQ: Daemon Prince of Nurgle, Wings, Warp Bolter – Double Damage Power
Troops: Nurglings X 3
Troops: Nurglings X 3
I have to think about how I can infiltrate or not – thus the Nurglings that you need to guarantee you have the best Alpha Legion hiding places. It just feels super aggressive which is what I like. Plus again, I don’t have to paint a ton of stuff other then some bases and maybe finding the missing Noise Marine from the big pile of converted guys I found the other day. Plus it has Kharn in it – which is awesome.
Finally will continue with the Alpha Legion thoughts with some weird combination lists trying to set up really annoying options to try and kill and shoot. This one is a 3 part Battalion list that I bet gets kicked in the teeth with the new Chaos Daemon book comes out and probably throws a wrench in the Changling. I thought of this one because I didn’t like how easily the Guard army shoots your killing stuff. Plus it doesn’t use double shooting options and just goes for hard to hit units.
List #4 – Stinky Spies
Battalion Detachment – Alpha Legion
HQ: Daemon Prince, Wings, Slaanesh – Warptime
HQ: Sorcerer, Mark of Slaanesh, Force Sword – Prescience, Delightful Agonies
Troops: Cultists X 39, Unmarked, Autoguns (Went unmarked because I can switch them if needed depending on the mission)
Troops: Cultists X 10
Troops: Cultists X 10
Heavy: Obliterators X 3, Mark of Tzeentch
Heavy: Obliterators X 3, Mark of Tzeentch
Outrider Detachment – Death Guard
HQ: Daemon Prince, Wings, Malefic Talon X 2, The Suppurating Plate – Blades of Putrification
FA: Foetid Bloat Drone, Plague Probe, Plaguespitters X 2
FA: Foetid Bloat Drone, Plague Probe, Plaguespitters X 2
FA: Foetid Bloat Drone, Plague Probe, Plaguespitters X 2
Battalion Detachment – Daemon
HQ: The Changling
HQ: Daemon Prince of Nurgle, Wings, Malefic Talons X 2 – Virulent Blessing
Troops: Nurglings X 3
Troops: Nurglings X 3
Troops: Nurglings X 3
The idea here is to use a blob of cultists in the middle, drop some Oblits in the middle and use the Changling and Alpha legion to get a -2 to hit them. I don’t know if it will work and probably doesn’t have enough bit elsewhere. You could drop the Death Guard detachment, get more sneaky stuff and try to do more damage if needed. It might work better with a ton of Zerkers hidden in there instead. Again this is just me shoving some things together and seeing if they might actually work – if I ever have time to test them hehe.
Finally the other list I have messed with a bit here and there is another 3 big Jerks list. Its one of those – do you have really nicely built Daemonic Primarchs and love playing an easy game? Well this is the type of list for you. If you get lucky and dodge the match ups you do have a chance to get to the top too. Just make sure all your points add up correctly.
List #5 – 3 Lords of Boom
Super Heavy Detachment – Chaos Soup
LoW – Mortarion
LoW – Magnus
LoW – Renegade Knight, Rapid Fire Battlecannon X 2
Vanguard Detachment – Alpha Legion
HQ: Daemon Prince, Mark of Slaanesh, Wings, Warp Bolter – Delightful Agonies
Elite: Berserkers X 5, Icon of Wrath
Elite: Berserkers X 5, Icon of Wrath
Elite: Berserkers X 5, Icon of Wrath
Troops: Cultists X 30, Mark of Slaanesh
Again this is just looking at using the Zerks to hit first turn if needed – get close and get the damage done. Little tiny 5 man squads should let them find a good hidey hole and hit a unit hard. Plus it means Morty might not be the most shot thing on the board as you have to be prepared to get a bloodthirsty charge hitting in. I went with Slaanesh on the Cultists as maybe you can double shoot them?
Next up will go with Daemon Prince Armageddon because I have a crap ton of them. The idea is to hide Nurglings all over the table and cause shooting issues as they are pretty small, can be hidden pretty well, and the whole kinda dumb character rule that allows you to have hidden stuff out of LOS and still protect your characters. Of course the “nerf” made things a bit more annoying as I couldn’t throw a -2 to hit Daemon Prince in the front – so things had to change etc. I like the idea of this list but I am just worried how Daemons might change how you deploy those little jerks.
List #6 – Princepalooza
Battalion Brigade – Daemon
HQ: Daemon Prince of Nurgle, Wings, Warp Bolter
HQ: Bel’akor
Troops: Nurglings X 3
Troops: Nurglings X 3
Troops: Nurglings X 3
Troops: Nurglings X 3
Troops: Nurglings X 3
Supreme Command Detachment – Alpha Legion
HQ: Daemon Prince, Mark of Slaanesh, Wings, Warp Bolter, Elixir
HQ: Daemon Prince, Mark of Nurgle, Wings, Warp Bolter
HQ: Daemon Prince, Mark of Tzeentch, Wings, Warp Bolter
HQ: Daemon Prince, Mark of Khorne, Wings, Warp Bolter
Supreme Command Detachment – Death Guard
HQ: Daemon Prince, Wings, The Suppurating Plate
HQ: Daemon Prince, Wings
HQ: Daemon Prince, Wings
This one has a ton of random room left in the point total. You could drop Bel’Akor, get more bodies or remove the Khorne one. I just added him as I have a Tetrad from a long time ago that I still miss and want to play with. This is just a big fat of dumb models that are usually all converted, look distinct, and lets you fly around and think I am cool. I doubt it is really good as it could probably drop some stuff, get something like Obliterators or maybe build a full Nurgle one with Epidemus. If there is a much more distinct Mono God push for the Daemon codex then will most likely go find my old Epidemus model, fix him up, and then get ready for the return of the Plague.
Finally a super aggressive Lord of Skull list. I have painted him, want to use him, and well – need to pay the blood price for this model.
List #7 – LORD OF SKULLZ!!!
Super Heavy Auxillary
LoW: Lord of Skulls, Daemongore Cannon, Hades Gatling Cannon
Battalion Detachment – Daemon
HQ: Bel’Akor
HQ: Herald of Slaanesh on a Steed
Troops: Nurglings X 3
Troops: Nurglings X 3
Troops: Nurglings X 3
Battalion Detachment – Alpha Legion
HQ: Sorcerer
HQ: Exalted Champion, Chainsword, Hydra Blade, Mark of Khorne
Elite: Khorne Berserkers X 8, Chainsword/Chainaxe, Icon of Wrath
Elite: Khorne Berserkers X 8, Chainsword/Chainaxe, Icon of Wrath
Troops: Cultists X 40, Mark of Slaanesh
Troops: Cultists X 10
Troops: Cultists X 10
Heavy: Obliterators X 3, Mark of Slaanesh
This is just a mixed in combo list you will see with Nurglings to keep my Alpha Legion able to infiltrate as well as using the Lord of Skulls as a big battering ram like Mortarion and other Super Heavies. The Oblits are there as a simple drop and solve a problem unit. The love of double moving the Lord of Skulls who is Diabolic Strengthed is a wonderful bit of fun. Especially when it gets mixed in, flamers the crap out of something and then throws a ton of bullets in Magnus.
Alright that is a big dump of lists for now. I am not sure what I am testing before you read this so will see. I think most likely some kind of Soup thing or at least the Dreadnought madness. It is just calling to me and I need to lose bad with it a few times before I put that insanity to bed. I am hoping the next week lets me get a chance to look at a new book or maybe new rumors. We’ll see.
Until next time – Death to the Emperor that never calls you back!
~Which list do you think is the strongest?