GW: Rumor Engine “Curtain Call”

The Rumor Engine from Games Workshop is teasing a peek behind the curtain!
We draw back the curtain on this week’s Rumour Engine to reveal – another curtain! Or a robe. Or some really ornate scrollwork. It could be anything really…
Yeah – it could be anything! But I haven’t seen drapes that dramatic since St. Celestine’s old model:
Maybe this is a tease at a new Sisters of Battle! And hey – it’s plastic, too!
But before we go all-in with the Sisters, let’s consider some of the other factions that are known to use flowing capes and robes.
The Stormcasts are known to rock a flowy cape or two. So do the Aelfs:
Chaos Warrior’s don’t shy away from that type of style either:
But that goes for both sides of the Warhammer coin:
And let’s not discount Robots and Robes:
It could even be a huge Knight Banner!
Come to think of it…I can’t really find an army other than Tyranids that doesn’t have some type of Cloth “thing” they wear. So clearly this is all a clever ruse and we’re getting a Caped Tyranid!
Yeah I got nothign on this one.
What about you Internet Detectives?! What do you think this bit is from?