Pathfinder: Potions, Poisons, Players, Procure Presently

It’s about to get alchemical in Pathfinder with their upcoming Player’s Companion. Take a look!
The Pathfinder Potions and Poisons Player Guide is now available. You can pick up your hardback in stores now, or grab the digital copy on Wednesday. This Player’s Guide is for the Alchemical Active members of your party. Poisons and potions tend to go by the wayside in many games. Oh, you might start off with the brew potion feat, but, aside from Healing Potions, the rest is few and far between.
Now’s the chance to dive into consumable resources. Buff your buddies, brew up a batch of trouble. Enhance more than just your abilities–I personally have been wanting to try a hero a little more like the Witcher.
The idea of a fighter or a ranger or whatever brewing up a portion to prepare for a fight, much like a wizard would carefully prepare spells, is incredibly appealing to me. I think there’s a lot there, as long as you can really keep making potions. The hardest part about any crafter character is keeping up with time and xp, but, it sounds like they’ve got something to address that in this new book.
Whether you view alchemy as a means to an end, or the end in and of itself (because you want to play some weird arcane transhumanist who goes around changing their body via magic and chemistry and who knows what else), Potions and Poisons has got you covered. Outside of having your soul bound to a suit of armor when you should otherwise be dead, this is one of the best things that can happen to an Alchemist.
via Paizo
Pathfinder Player’s Companion Potions and Poisons – $14.99/$10.99 (pdf)
Good for What Ails You!
Whether they’re used to bolster heroes’ abilities or take enemies out of the game, potions and poisons are key parts of many adventurers’ arsenals. Far more options than simple healing draughts or strength-sapping toxins are available to savvy heroes, though, especially those ingenious enough to craft their own concoctions. Pathfinder Player Companion: Potions & Poisons offers a sea of new potions, elixirs, and stranger alchemical wonders for the discerning adventurer, plus heinous designer poisons. Class and character options for those who brew or regularly imbibe consumables round out these offerings.
Inside this book you’ll find:
- Feats and archetypes for races with an affinity for poisons, including gripplis, nagaji, and vishkanyas, plus the scorpion sorcerer bloodline for those with a toxic heritage.
- Archetypes for a variety of classes known for brewing or poisoning, including alchemists, rogues, and witches.
- Spells and feats specialized for potion brewing, plus drugs, elixirs, gear, poisons, and tinctures—alchemical remedies that produce potent effects but impair the user.
If nothing else, this helps give players an answer they can pick next time an npc asks them to name their poison.