Warmachine: Christmas Releases & Who Got the Best Present

Today we rate the 12 Warmachine-Hordes Factions of Christmas models on who had the best Christmas!
It Christmas time folks and all the factions are getting a gift this year. Was your faction naughty or nice. Let us see what goodies everyone is getting and who got the shining gem or the lump of coal in their stockings.
The Christmas Presents
Cygnar: LT Bastian Falk( Gun mage solo that can add +2 magic damage)
Menoth: Champion of the Order of the Wall (High armor cavalry dragoon solo with retalitory strike)
Khador: Kaptain Sofya Skirova( Iron Fang infantrysolo with MAT8 and is annoying)
Cryx: Agrimony, Crone of the Dying Sands ( Incorporeal spell caster solo)
Convergence: Eminent Configurator Orion ( Powerful ranged warcaster for Convergence)
Retribution: House Vyre Siren/Harpy ( Light ranged jack for Retribution)
Mercs: Lt. Gastone Crosse ( Shooting soul token ranged warcaster for Mercs)
Trollbloods: Dire Troll Brawler (Reach 2″ POW 17 warbeast)
Circle: Wold Wight (Light construct warbeast that likkes being on fire.)
Legion: Ice Witches (Magic 6 puppetmaster/frostbite/ice cage unit of 3)
Skorne: Primus Jalaam (Ranged shooty warcaster with warpath and Deadeye)
Minions: Farrow Valkyries( Pigs that have shieldguard and tough)
Who did Santa Reward the Most?
WOW there is some great stuff coming out. It is hard to say who got the best gift. Any faction that can take Valkyries got a unit of shieldguards!!!! Jalaam can get a canoneer to shoot something 25″ away!!! wow this is hard to choose.
Here at BoLS we think Convergence is getting the best gift.
Orion can make a Prime Axiom RAT 7 every turn and has some great spells. On top of this it’s a new model for Convergence which I didn’t know were still getting releases. This is the 2nd new model for Convergence this year if you count Elish. He can easily take the ranged game of Convergence to a whole new level.
Coal would probably go to Mercenaries.
Lt Gastone is a fun caster if your opponent lets you get in range. But, he is very easy to read and Mercenaries have arguably one of the best shooting casters already in Caine3.
~Well Convergence got the best Christmas in our opinion, what do you think? Please share in the comments below.