40K: What Does Codex Adeptus Custodes Mean?

GW’s latest codex out of the blue points the way at GW’s path ahead for the game.
This weekend GW pulled the covers off an all new codex like a bolt from the blue! There’s no better way to kick off a new year than with an all new army.
Adeptus Custodes looks to be an amazing addition to the game.
Simmer Down
First a quick aside for the fluff fanatics.
Remember that for all you out there saying the Adeptus Custodes are TOO ELITE and rare of a force to merit inclusion as an army on the tabletop. The Custodes unofficial name is “The 10,000” – their standing strength since the time of the Great Crusade. Yes IT’S TRUE – there are TEN TIMES AS MANY CUSTODES AS ULTRAMARINES! I’m sure in the new order Guilliman can just order a mere 2-3000 of them to get out there and start kicking ass in the galaxy. Then they would only be 2-3 times as worthy of a codex as the Ultramarines – while still leaving 7000 to guard the Holy Cadaver back home.
Ok, Back to the Codex
From what GW has revealed this looks like a codex wrapped by about 3-4 new kits on top of the existing default Custodes we got out of Burning of Prospero. Throw in a bunch of “standard” Marine kits for them to use – like Land Raiders and Contemptor dreads – and you have a codex very, very similar to what Grey Knights looked like when GW rolled them out.
And that has me thinking – there are several more or these “mini factions” that GW could roll into a codex using 3-4 new kits on top of existing vehicle ranges.
1 HQ, 2 other boxes of new units and a smattering of Craftworld and Dark Eldar vehicles would blow the Harleys into a full fledged standalone army.
HQ, 2-3 infantry squads, and LOTS of borrowed Imperial vehicles and Ministorum units will do it.
Pretty much identical to Custodes – but with shiny metal corsets.
2-3 Kroot kits and some “borrowed vehicles” from whomever has hired them. I will heartbroken if we don’t get the Krootbird as a plastic bit!
He’s the cutest Toucan Sam of the grimdark!
Give these guys 2-3 kits to represent their household infantry and mounted warriors – along with some Rhinos and they are ready to roll.
~ What “mini-factions” do you think GW is most likely to pump up into codexes this year?