Goatboy’s 40k – Nurgle Daemon Garden of Boom

Goatboy here again and I wanted to throw down with two Nurgle lists utilizing the new Chaos Daemon codex.
I think Nurgle got a lot of love with a ton of interesting Synergies within its own army a well as how they touch a few of the other evil brotherhood of Chaos Space Marines and Death Guard. This time I am just concentrating on the Chaos Space Marine interaction as I really want to use the new Trees and the only way I can get them effectively is using up a Detachment for Fortification – or as I like to call it a Garden Detachment.
I’ve got two different ideas for the army – so will go through each one. One heavily uses Chaos Space Marines to create a firebase while the other idea is a straight Deamon of Nurgle build. I think both have their merits and really live up to the idea that they can grind your opponent down with the Nurgley goodness of tough guys, regrowth abilities, and board control. let’s go with the first one which uses Chaos Space Marines.
This list came about talking with my brother in arms – Jared from up north. He has the same sort of sickness I do with Chaos which means we constantly are scheming and building bad guy lists. Plus if you can win with Chaos stuff – you just feel so much better.
Nurgly Alpha Legion
Here is an initial list design – again using Chaos Space Marines as the Tally gathering unit.
Chaos Daemons – Nurgle – Battalion
HQ: Epidemus – 100
HQ: Spoilpox Scrivener – 75
HQ: Poxbringer – 70
Troops: Plaguebearers of Nurgle X 30, Icon, Musician – 235
Troops: Nurglings X 3 – 54
Troops: Nurglings X 3 – 54
Troops: Nurglings X 3 – 54
Troops: Nurglings X 3 – 54
Chaos Space Marines – Alpha Legion – Spearhead Detachment
HQ: Sorcerer, Mark of Nurgle – 90
HQ: Daemon Prince, Wings, Malefic Talon X 2, Mark of Nurgle – 180
Heavy: Obliterators X 3, Mark of Nurgle – 195
Heavy: Obliterators X 3, Mark of Nurgle – 195
Heavy: Obliterators X 3, Mark of Nurgle – 195
FA: Warp Talons X 10, Mark of Nurgle – 270
Fortification Detachment:
Feculent Gnarlmaws X 1 – 50
Feculent Gnarlmaws X 2 – 100
The unit of 2 Gnarlmaws are there to deep strike in and create a mobile base as you push forward with your Plaguebearers. You move, advance, and then circle the wagons as you drop in some Oblits into the middle. The Warp Talons are there to go get something as you can easily have a nice Tally going and some very tough to deal with Daemonic Jump pack guys. I really wish I could have the other goofy Herald but only having access to 3 HQs and no desire to build out a crazy Brigade makes it hard. The Daemon Prince is there to bully things as needed. I even have some random points left which I do not know what to do with. Still – it feels like this lists builds a base – shoots thing as needed and hopefully grinds out the win with a huge Tally of death.
The Obliterators next to some trees have a +2 to their armor save. This means they can easily ignore some plasma fire power back at them – as well as some of the other rough guns we see from time to time. Plus they can really ramp up the Tally with all their shooting. Command points wise you will be using lots of healing powers etc to keep your guys in the game. Once that Tally starts to grow this bowling ball will come in for the strike.
Death Guard in the Garden
The next list looks at Death Guard as the friendly addition. I love the Helforged Contemptor Dreads with Butcher Cannons as it gives the army some much needed ranged fire power. The rest of the list can get close, grind things down, and even hit flyers as they have the flyer keyword. The Trees are designed to deep strike one up the field to allow for better usage of the Move/Advance and charge power they throw out with their stanky stank.
Chaos Daemons – Nurgle Battalion
HQ: Daemon Prince of Nurgle, Wings, Malefic Talon X 2 – 180
HQ: Daemon Prince of Nurgle, Wings, Malefic Talon X 2 – 180
HQ: Daemon Prince of Nurgle, Wings, Malefic Talon X 2 – 180
Troops: Nurglings X 3 – 54
Troops: Nurglings X 3 – 54
Troops: Nurglings X 3 – 54
FA: Plague Drones X 7, Musician, Icon – 263
FA: Plague Drones X 7, Musician, Icon – 263
Death Guard – Vanguard Detachment
HQ: Daemon Prince, Wings, Malefic Talon X 2, Suppurating Plate – 180
Elite: Helforged Contemptor Dreadnought, Butcher Cannons X 2 – 163
Elite: Helforged Contemptor Dreadnought, Butcher Cannons X 2 – 163
Elite: Helforged Contemptor Dreadnought, Butcher Cannons X 2 – 163
Fortification Detachment:
Feculent Gnarlmaws X 1 – 50
Feculent Gnarlmaws X 1 – 50
The idea again is to Deep strike one Tree to allow you another area for your Drones to move up. From there you can move, advance, and charge into things as needed. I don’t know how much damage the Drones will really do – but with enough Daemon Princes backing them up they should hit hard and if they roll some 6’s get some pretty nasty damage through. A few spells as well can really help amp this up. The 3 Contemptors give you some much needed Long Range fire that can move and still put out a hurt as needed.
This list is really about board control as the Flies cover a large amount of space and the Princes allow for some quick jump outs and damage potential. There isn’t much that can stand up to 2-3 princes coming in hot – especially with some well place spells to amp up their damage potential. Having them hit for double +1 damage seems pretty dang good.
Overall I am pretty happy with the Nurgle side of things for Chaos Daemons. I think there is a lot of action with that particular God and feel a lot of the pure Daemon armies will be either Nurgle based on Khorne. I don’t think Tzeentch got the complete shaft they just don’t need to be mono god to be good.
We’ll look at some lists next time for Tzeentch.
~Which list do you like more?