Mynock Squadron: Three Angry Factions with Guest Kristofer Bengtsson

X-Wing Pilots: all wings report in! FFG causes community furor with a nudge and a wink!
Welcome to the Mynock Podcast CIII
(NOTE: After recording this episode, FFG released a new FAQ which settles the Trajectory Nymulator matter. This would’ve been nice before throwing judges under the bus, and setting community leaders against each other…)
There has been an awakening, have you felt it? BOMBS, HARPOONS, TRAJECTORY SIMULATOR WITH GENIUS! X-Wing is at war, and there are three factions vying for your loyalty (and we’re not talking about Scum, Rebel, and Imperial). Guest Kris Bengtsson gives us his insight on the current meta as well as the hullabaloo over the recent TO rulings around the country.
[00:00:00] Intros
[00:05:00] Interview Time!
[00:49:00] Rulings Kerfuffle
[01:37:00] Pax South Standings
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