PP: Airbrush…More Like Hair Brush

Step into some more advanced airbrush techniques with Privateer Press.
Last week’s airbrush tutorials were just the beginning. Go a step further and learn how you can integrate all kinds of tools into your painting techniques–today there’s a tip on using hairspray along with your airbrush to create a very cool weathered/damaged look on your model. See for yourself the kind of results you can get.
That comes from two or three layers of paint and a judicious application of some scraping. Let’s take a look:
And as always, you can see some more of the painting techniques on display and for longer in their Get Your Paint On videos. today we’ve got one of their studio painters getting to work on the absolutely stunning Ashes to Ashlynn miniature, exclusively available through their minicrate service.
Come to see the painting techniques applied and to paint along with the pros–stay to get your deep-seated philosophical questions answered, even the ones you didn’t realize you were asking.
Especially the ones you didn’t realize you were asking. At any rate, if you’ve been working on using an airbrush, hopefully these tips can help you get the most out of it. If you want to get a nice even coat in a hurry, it’s a pretty good way to start. Don’t have an airbrush? There are plenty of other painting tips to follow along with.
Just make sure that you keep your hairspray coated model away from open flames. Some lessons you learn the hard way, but I’m legally not allowed to tell more because the records have been sealed and the investigation concluded that it was an accidental fire anyway. Who wants to know? Look the studio was like this when I got here. I don’t know where that puddle of melted plastic came from.
Er…Happy Painting.