Star Wars Armada: The Chimaera Preview

The Chimaera has been detected heralding arrival of Thrawn! Let’s take a look at the latest expansion pack heading to the tabletop!
Last week, we got a closer look at the Profundity. This week we’re getting a closer look at the flagship of Admiral Thrawn himself! We really should just call this the Thrawn expansion. Regardless, the Chimaera is no slouch – let’s kick it into hyperdrive!
via Fantasy Flight Games
It goes almost without saying that Thrawn is kind of a big deal. His card has been previewed before and you can read about it’s design origins as well right HERE.
Imperial Star Destroyer Refits
The Imperial Star Destroyer is getting two new versions to choose from: The Kuat Refit and the Cymoon 1 Refit.
They Kuat Refit has a pretty powerful forward arc. I would not want to be in range of this things guns.
The Cymoon 1 Refit offers slightly less firepower and some different upgrade options in it’s tool belt. Both of these ships clock in at 112 points base.
A New Officer
Taskmaster Grint allows you to reward yourself for planning ahead. When you start, you’ll set aside a command token on Grint. When you reveal a matching command, you may gain 1 matching command token without spending the dial. Not too shabby!
Titles & Upgrades
It wouldn’t be the Chimaera expansion with the right ship title, right? It’s got a powerful ability. First off, you get a Fleet Command upgrade. On top of that, this title lets you discard a Fleet Command upgrade and swap it for another one. The versatility of being able to swap those out mid-to-late battle should not be understated!
Here are the Fleet Commands just so you can get an idea of what you’re playing with:
All three of those options look useful.
If you’re looking to save some points (cause you don’t have to buy the fleet command) you can also take the Seventh Fleet Star Destroyer option.
This card lets you gain more of a benefit for running multiple Star Destroyers. Considering you can have multiple ships with this card, that could really help with the damage mitigation game.
A New Challenger Approaches
On top of all that Imperial Star Destroyer goodness, FFG decided to toss in one more upgrade card to taunt us with. It’s the Mandalorian Gauntlet Fighter Squadron card! These guys are looking pretty mean with decent speed, impressive armor (for a squadron) and some firepower to boot. But it’s also got the Assault and Rogue keywords as well. That’s a tough looking squadron for sure!
If you’d like to learn more about the Chimaera expansion, you can read more HERE. It’s currently up for Pre-Order from FFG!
Chimaera Expansion Pack $49.95
Grand Admiral Thrawn arrives to the battles of Star Wars™: Armada in the Chimaera Expansion Pack. Along with the chance to command your fleet with this brilliant, blue-skinned Chiss tactician, the Chimaera Expansion Pack introduces an Imperial Star Destroyer adorned with a distinctive chimaera design, two Mandalorian Gauntlet squadrons, six ship cards, and seventeen other upgrades. Altogether, these materials don’t just give your Star Destroyer a different aesthetic; they allow it to fill entirely new tactical and strategic roles within your Imperial fleet.
We have them now…