Wyrd: New Mehal Sefari – The Great Abyssinian Protectors

Your Champions will want their brute strength and protection on the tabletop.
The line to the Abyssinian Emperor’s throne is complicated, and includes many aristocrats that govern cites across the empire. The Mehal Sefari protect the first 100 Abyssinians in the line of succession to the throne – they’re willing to lay down their lives in order to accomplish that goal. These highly trained guards carry mighty takoba swords and machine guns to take down any threat to their wards.
On the tabletop, the Mehal Sefari function best by staying close to your Champions, which most often means that they are supporting your Commanders. Their battle competence is excellent, but their ability to gain Reinforcement and Tactics Tokens sets them apart from most other units. While expensive, there is very little the Mehal Sefari cannot accomplish, in terms of both brute strength and battlefield support.
Visit the Wyrd forums for more on this new unit!